Find Numbers [or letters, I chose numbers] in everyday objects. Then put it into Adobe Photoshop. Make it into black and white. Then go over the number(s) [or letter(s)] in a color of your choosing, that's not black/white/grey, to make it 'pop out'. The move all your numbers (0-9) [or letters (A-Z)] to one canvas.
We were to also 'fill the frame' as well.
The 3 and 9 weren't all that good. But The rest were. I really like the 6. Nice and neat, not blurry. The coloring is tight quote unquote (as the teacher said). Meaning that the coloring is inside the number and not coming out of the number.
This was the first project I did in Photo. It was also my first time using a DSLR Camera
DSLR Camera- Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera
My Photos from Photography class
RandomPhotos I took from (high school) Photography class. In case you are wondering, I'm using a DSLR camera.