Chapter 1. I wake up and I'm on the feild. there's a crowd of people and noting to do . Score is 10-3 don't know how I got here or how to get out. Later I'm home on my IPhone listening to music and playing football .Soon I fall asleep.This morning I'm mad becus 1 my football is flat and 2 I don't have orange juice . Same old day getting in trouble, making jokes from stupid words like abreast a"breast".Worst of all football practice got canseled . So I gust played games with my freind Dylan on are phones . It sucked today because it was raining outside. Have u ever noticed that teacher act like rain is poison I noticed that today.they act about like parents sometimes. There are these people that after you meat them they never and by never I mean never shut up and soon you want them dead,perfect examples are Ben cadwick or Codee Caler . win I got home I got redy for practice.
Practice was fun and the same as usual we also got new uniforms ps :they looked the same to me. My girlfriend called as the same ,but it was deferent this time . She sed that it wasn't going to work out ,I relly did not care Thoth .