Bojack x Reader

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You sat in the middle of your studio on your rickety wheelie chair and looked down at your watch, this 'super important' celebrity Client your dealer wouldn't stop rambling about was 30 minutes late to your meeting. Horseman. Bojack Horseman. You weren't familiar with his work but from what you've heard he's a pretty big deal in the industry, you had had celebrity clients before But never anyone this big. While you waited the only sound that filled the studio was the ticking of your watch.

"That asshole. Bet he thinks he's too special to come have a face to face meeting with someone like me"

Bang bang bang

Perfect timing. You opened the doors to a large chestnut horse taking a long drag from a cigarette before looking down at you.

"Ah, Mr.horseman! It's lovely to meet you-"

Bojack took the cigarette from his mouth and threw it behind him before coming in.

"Bojack" he groaned

You were taken a back


"Bojack. Just call me Bojack...or Bj or whatever."

There was a moment of silence before he huffed and pushed pass you to get a better look at the canvases littering the walls.

"Would you mind if I Smoked in here?"

"Oh no, go ahead Mr.hor- I mean bojack, go ahead bojack"

Bojack chuckled to himself

"Are you surprised at how cool and down to earth I am for a Hollywood super star?" He laughed

You laughed back, but you couldn't really tell if he was joking or not.

"Well, Bojack, were you here to see any pieces in particular?" You asked.
Looking him over he was clearly disheveled, with messy hair and dark circles under his eyes. Bojack was much taller than you expected, it almost hurt your neck to look right up at him.

"yeah...but just let me browse for a bit"

Bojack paced the studio for a bit, eyeing up all your work. You wanted to talk to him but just didn't know what to say. He kept glaring at one painting before standing before it and taking a moment in front of it, nows your chance.

"I see you've taken a liking to this one sir" you smiled

"Yeah. It's good. Really good. You've got serious chops kid. Your names y/n right?"

He began to write your name down in the notepad he had with him.

You walked over and stood beside him "I knew you had a great taste in art Bojack! are you a collector by any chance?"

Bojack knelt down so he could be closer to you "I am...actually. My friend destroyed one of my paintings at a party I threw recently so I decided it was time to get some new wares for the house and when I saw your work at a gallery in town, it just felt..right and-"

Bojack put his arm around your shoulders

"And I think you can tell a lot from a person from the art they make"

You chuckled "well I'm glad you feel so strongly about my work, sir."

He pulled you closer. The stench of Tobacco was embedded into his blue knitted sweater and the smell of expensive liquor lingered on his breath. You've only just realised this guy might be slightly hung over.

You placed you hands on his chest "so, are you interested mr.Horseman?"

Bojack choked "Interested? In what? Was I coming  onto you?  What makes you think I'm interested in you? I mean, unless your interested in me then-"

You interrupted him, "oh my god, no, I meant are you interested in the painting?"

Bojack face flushed "I'm sorry-I just...nothing. I just got confused. Yeah. I'll take the painting."

"I'll get it all wrapped up for you then, sir. the delivery guys will get it to you as soon as possible" you awkwardly chortled.

As you Began to pack up the painting Bojack awkwardly stood behind you, eyeing you up and down. Instead of leaving after his purchase like you thought he would, he lit up another cigarette and kicked his feet.

"So before I leave could I uhh...get your number?" He stammered

Your ears perked up in surprise "my number? I thought my dealer gave you all my details, right?"

"Yeah I just thought maybe I could get your...personal number? Just in case of an emergency...or if you wanna have a drink at mine? Or something like that."

You've never had a client flirt with you so directly before, you know giving him your number would probably be wrong, but maybe he really just wanted your number for emergencies, and maybe you could use some time away from your studio in a celebrity's big fun mansion.

You write down your number for him in his notebook then began to usher him to the door, before he leaves he takes one last look at you and brushes a strand of hair that flew across your face behind your ear.

"I'll see you around some time later y/n" he says before stumbling down the driveway to his car.

"Yeah. See you later, Bojack"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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