nobody likes waiting,
but we all can choose what we want to wait for.
could be in your dentist's waiting room, monthly, for that perfect pearly line of teeth,
or 3 hours long, for that 3 minutes of adrenaline rush at a Disneyland ride.
but waiting is not easy –
it doesn't always come with magazines at the dentist to pass your time with,
and it certainly doesn't come with certainty like taking your queue number at offices.
sometimes you don't get your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,
and sometimes it just rains all the time, you can't see the end.
me – I don't like waiting, either.
I'd go to the under-10-items-express-lane at the supermarket,
I'd try to get the skip-the-line pre-order tickets at tourist attractions,
and I'd skip my YouTube ads like every other sane person.
but if it was for you,
I'd wait, any time,
even if that means I can't skip all the pain –
cause I know the ride is worth the wait, after all.
Ineffable: A Compilation of Heartfelt Flash Fiction
Short StoryIneffable is a compilation of heartfelt flash fiction. They're basically short stories, and/or you can also see them in poetry-like form. I write snippets of stories that will live rent-free in your heart :,) Will be updated regularly~ Visuals/Image...