Flower Casket: Short story

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By: Irah Cahapon
Around me on the busy, yet serene view of the meadow stood an assortment of visually appealing flowers, decorating the firm soil beneath my planted feet. Various colours of the rainbow were to be seen in the form of elegant masses of petals. Blades of jade-green grass ever so lightly tickle my bare ankles, as I marvel at the surreal scene.

Bordering my exposed toes are seemingly cozy beds of the colourful daisies, tulips, and lilacs, which have somehow expeditiously continued to blossom, multiplying by a hundred.

"Wow", I manage to breathe out. What a magnificent scene. Oh how fortunate I must be to experience such a sight.

Falling back into the premade mattress of delicately soft petals, I commence to gradually drift off into the blissful state of sleep, as though there is not a worry to acknowledge in the world.


I awake to a burning sensation encircling my wrists. Peering at the long stems clasped violently onto my arms, my body fails miserably at attempting to wriggle free, worsening the now throbbing pain.

Tiredly, I surrender after an extended period of time and relax my joints and muscles, retaining my former lying position. Feeling all hope vanish, I flicker my eyes up at the cloudy blue sky, seeking some form of distraction from this beautiful disaster. The cotton ball look-alikes travel in herds, a few individuals not following the crowd. How could this have happened?

Albeit, even as I rest here against my own will, defeated, at the very same time I feel... free. The trail of thoughts end when the sturdy vines and stems that were once cuffed around my arms slithered up my legs, traveling upward until all but my face was encased in the constriction of the plants. Panicking, with all my might I shimmy, shrieking out a muffled cry for help. Much to my dismay, I recieved no response in return.

As my body shook with trepidation, the soles of my feet slightly brushed what appeared to be the fragile features of the flowers. How could something I presumed was so harmonious and alluring, turn out to be my living nightmare?

The sky, moments ago a calm shade of blue morphs into a depressing black. Just now I realize the stems have blind-folded me, blocking my sight. With my stiff body fully engulfed, I feel myself still.

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