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An assassin.
Three siblings.
Elves and witches.
A fragmented past
It's the fight for the past, but would it overwhelm them or can they square upto it?

Haven Corellon infact does not need The Guild of Assassins on her trail attempting to what- try to recruit her? kill her? After a lonely and screwed up past, she just wants to be left alone but when she discovers that the Guild is tailing her with a trained spy, she has to devise a plan to somehow use this situation to her advantage. Simple. But is it ever simple? And is life ever anything but fair?
The shitshow that is now her life ends up in her meeting a dark haired stubborn bastard, Castemont Waelthor. Cas is a puzzling and peculiar man, well guarded but easy going, well in control of his emotions and now he holds something over Haven and is not looking to leave her be. His cocky personality clashes indefinitely with Haven's wondering curiosity. Haven is bothered by him, she feels as if the scrutinizing layers of secrets beneath his surface is conversant, familiar. But she cannot afford to be distracted as grave things that she cannot have ever imagined are about to appear. Is she ready for them?

An alarmed Nikolas Nesterin confronts his sister, Rivannah Nesterin in Galea, about the rumoured returning of the Vanetria. He convinces her to go with him and face the consequences of what happened a decade ago, what they did. They know they're screwed.

Kieran Ashford is living a normal and quiet but hollow life. She has all the time she needs, to read, have adventures, and have a great life. A peaceful life. But nothing about her life is peaceful. She doesn't remember anything about her life before she woke up with a headache in an inn in the Gul, nearing the Vast Sea, wearing a near ragged dress, a few gold coins and a pristine but ancient looking dagger with a sleek form and a sapphire stone glinting from the pommel. It's design intricate. And the last thing she held possession of in her mind was her name- Kieran Ashford. Her head held a dull throb that all but lulled, ringing out, voicing itself. It was agonizing but she's over it. She wants answers, about everything, her past, did she have a family? Parents? A lover?
But she doesn't know what's coming for her.

Meld you time with them as they find out about fabled powers, betrayal and reverenced love.

13+ readers advised
hope everyone will enjoy it<3

Updates will be a little slow but I'll be getting an updating schedule out pretty soon :))


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