Chapter 3- Kaitlyn

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We are sitting at the dinner table three hours later, just catching up when the door slams. Loud.

"Mom," Will says coming around the corner, "when the hell is-" he stops talking abruptly when he sees me.

His eyes widen. Then look accusingly at his mom and then back to me.

"No Freaking Way," he whispers, still standing frozen in the entryway.

"Hey Will," I say sheepishly. "Long time no see," I smirk.

"Kat, is that really you?" He asks in disbelief.

I roll my eyes. "No, I'm a figment of your imagination." I say sarcastically. Downside to reading every book in the universe and falling in love with them to escape your reality. You get quite the vocabulary and comebacks.

But Will laughs. "Yep it's definitely you." My eyebrows press together and he must see my confusion because he explains, "Even as a kid you were always reading and the most sarcastic person I knew, remember."

"Oh," I'm not really sure what to say to that.

He smirks at me and for the first time I look at him. Last time we saw each other he was 13 years old and still skinny because he hadn't grown into his height.

That definitely wasn't a problem anymore though. He'd filled out nicely. He was still tall-probably around 6 foot-but now he had the muscle to go with it.

His skin was tan and toned. Combine that with his naturally wavy (and always messy) dirty blond hair and deep chocolate eyes and you've got yourself something pretty close to what the girls at my old school would call 'too hot for his own good'.

Though I didn't get the sense that he let it go to his head. He was never really the cocky type.

I see his eyes scan over me too but I don't read much into it because I was doing the same thing.

Also when you haven't seen someone since puberty years you can't just not notice how they've changed. Especially someone who was your best friend.

Aunt Dawn clears her throat and looks at me like she's saying, "What did I tell you?"

This however, gets Wills attention and he rounds on his mom.

"What the hell mom," he glares at her, "I thought you said she wasn't coming until 2 o'clock?"

Aunt Dawn throws me another glance that says "told ya so", and patiently answers her son.

"That is what I said Will." He opens his mouth to reply but Aunt Dawn cuts him off before he gets the chance.

"Will, you know I wouldn't lie to you. Stop being ridiculous. She just showed up here earlier and I wasn't going to go screeching off to find wherever the heck y'all were today." She replies shaking her head but I can tell she is actually enjoying the whole thing.

His scowl lessens before deepening again and he narrows his eyes.

"Wait how long has she been here exactly?" He asks.

Aunt Dawn looks away and bites her lip to stop the laughter I can tell is tugging at her so I say,

"About 3 hours or so," I say shrugging, "but it's okay I needed to catch up with Aunt Dawn anyways."

Aunt Dawn smiles at me while Will sighs and says,

"Well at least I beat Jack. He's gonna be pissed. I kinda stole his car."

I laugh out loud and shake my head.

"Damn. Aunt Dawn was right. You guys are obsessed with me," I joke.

Will goes a little red and glances at his mom before saying, "I'm going upstairs to change. I'll be right back."

Once he's upstairs, Aunt Dawn and I crack up. He can probably still hear us but oh well. We couldn't hold it in anymore.

Now I am really looking forward to Jack getting home and comparing their reactions.

Aunt Dawn wipes her eyes and asks me if I want anything to eat.

"Um... you have doughnuts?" I ask. Aunt Dawn is super healthy and she makes all her food home-made. But she has a sweet tooth and so she makes fresh deserts every weekend. Her doughnuts are the best things ever.

She looks over at me, her eyes twinkling.

"I figured that's what you'd ask for. So I made a bunch this morning." She walks over to the pantry and pulls out a container. "I've got powdered, chocolate, maple, salt & butter, old fashioned, glazed, berry, cinnamon sugar, cookie dough, and sprinkles, but I know you hate those."

"Oh my god," I say eyes wide. "How am I even supposed to choose. I walk over to her and inhale the delicious scent. "They smell sooo good!"

She smiles and tells me, "They'll be here when you get back. Have two for now."

I'm practically giddy as I decide.

"Okay...then...I...want," I hesitate. "Ugh, I can't decide."

I think about it then go with the cinnamon sugar and cookie dough.

"I thought you might pick that cookie dough one," she shakes her head. "I made that for the first time in four years. I hope it's okay."

"It smells AMAZING," I assure her. "Why haven't you made it?"
"Because you're the only one who likes them," she laughs.

"How?" I am astounded, "They're so good!"

She laughs and says, "What is it with you and cookie dough?"

I blush because no one understands why I like cookie dough so much. I mean ever since I was five years old and my mom made cookies I have been addicted to the stuff. It was the only time that my mom had ever done something actually motherly with me. She let me try the dough and that was that. I don't even really like cookies when they are cooked, just the dough.

The doughnut came when we went to Costa Mesa for one of Jack's football games and my Aunt Dawn took us to Sidecar Doughnuts. See she is very healthy but has an addiction to doughnuts. Besides cookie dough ice cream and doughnuts are my favorite.

So after his game we all went to Sidecar and there it was. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream doughnut. I was in heaven. Everyone else thought it was gross but it was like a desert specially designed for me.

I grabbed my doughnuts from Aunt Dawn and dug in. They were still warm and so good,

"Oh my god," I moan into the doughnut. "I know I said I missed you, Aunt Dawn, but I really think I missed your cooking more."

"Bahaha," she says dripping with sarcasm.

"No I'm serious," I continue, "I am SO tired of take-out and crap."

She smiles at me and tells me she's going upstairs to change. Leaving me to my doughnuts. The way to my heart really is food I think.

I had a boyfriend-well can you call him a boyfriend if I ended it after one date? Anyway, on our first date he wanted to share food but I told him I wanted my own. So he said If that's the way to your heart or more importantly your bed, you can get whatever you want. After that I ordered the most expensive meal on the menu, let him pay, and then broke up with him

But I guess he was right. Feed me good food and I'd do anything for you. I shake my head and laugh at myself before heading over to the couch and turning the TV on to wait.

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