Rap With a Map

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(Written February 2021.

Psalm/Rap 4, for Jesus.)

I been listening to a lotta rap,

It's not the rap you would assume.

It's the type of rap that has a map,

And that map leads to the best room.

This room is full of hope for you and for me.

It's a hope that brings eternity.

And that eternity isn't free.

No one deserves it, you'll see what I mean.

God placed us all for a purpose,

And that purpose is to find Him.

I didn't believe in all that ruckus,

I fell from grace, yet He saved my grim!

How Lord, how did I fall from beauty?

When it was inside me since birth?

I relate to Thomas and Peter, and their pity.

Yet just like me, you showed them their worth.

So beautiful, so glorious, so undeserving...

And You showed me you! You showed me truth.

What is life? It's not right without serving.

Why do we only see that in our Youth?!

Youth is true. We are children of You, God.

We must have childlike faith forever.

Your angels will slay demons with your rod.

I've seen it and felt the battles where our angels fail, never!

Lord, I love you. Jesus, I thank you.

I would be nothing without your love!

I promise to use my gift for true!

And soon I will meet, again, our highest Love!

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