The whole truth

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I was never known to be a nice person, but I also wasn't known as a murderer, the title was never even associated with my name, they may say that I am a villain, but never a murder. It all started a few months into the school year when I started to notice that I had an obsession with Eijiro Kirishima. He was my best friend, he was the only person that was able to walk up to me on the first day of school, he was the only person that could handle my temper.

A few weeks later was when I noticed that I was getting attached to Shoto Todoroki. I don't know why I was so obsessed with him, we never talked, we would occasionally say hello while passing in the hall, but other than that we never talked, one day he just showed up at my dorm saying that he needed to talk to me about his father, then we just became friends. To me though, they were more than just my friends, they were my senpais, it may be weird, but that's what they were and anyone, ANYONE that got in my way or showed them ANY form of affection would pay, and they truly got what they deserved.

The first person who got in my way was Denki Kaminari. To others what he did, they wouldn't even bat an eye at, all they would say is that he hugged Kiri, but that's the thing he hugged him, HUGGED, that is to close, he got too close to MY Eijiro, he had to pay. So what did I do? I did what any normal person would do, I threatened him, I told him that if he ever got too close to Eijiro again that he would pay. Did he listen, of course not.

Two days later I went out into the common room and there they were, Denki and Eijiro cuddling on the couch watching a movie. That night I went into Denkis dorm and I asked him if he wanted to go on a walk with me, he first asked Why? I told him that I wanted to apologize for my behavior the other day and that I wanted to get to know him better, he eventually agreed and we went on the walk. I lead him into the woods, there I proceed to murder him. That was my first ever kill, my first victim was and forever will be Denki Kaminari.

As I was walking back I had little to no regret, all I could think about was, he will never get close to Kiri ever again. I never thought what Kirishima would feel, all I could think about were my feelings. No was worried about Kaminari until two weeks later, I had told all the staff and students that he got a unexpected call from his mother saying that she needed him at their house for the week, I even found a way to make a call to the school and make it sound like his mother, just to make it more believable. The second week that he was missing was when people started to worry, they were confused as to why Kaminari hadn't returned to school. Of course that is when they started to investigate and try to find out where he was. They never did find him. Kaminari was now believed to be dead.

My next victim was Deku, his actual name was Izuku Midoriya, but I called him Deku. I knew that he and Todoroki were best friends, but that didn't stop me, Deku was getting too close to him. I would see Deku going into Todorokis dorm room and he would not come out until the next morning. I asked Deku if we could talk, he said sure and I took him into my dorm and I told him to explain as to why he was always going into Todorokis dorm, he said that he would get nightmares and that sleeping with someone else in the room helps his nightmares. I told him the same thing that I told Kaminari, that if he didn't stay away from Todoroki, there would be consequences. And just like Kaminari, he didn't listen, that same night, I mean he couldn't even wait two days, no he went in the same night. So what did I do? I asked Deku if he wanted to hang out with me in his dorm, he first asked why and I told him that I just wanted t o hang out with him like we used to as kids. He hesitantly said ok, I told him that I would go to his dorm in about an hour and a half, he said ok and went back to his dorm. I went back to mine and planned how I was going to get away with this murder, I planned that I would go into his dorm and I would kill him, then I would scream and start crying, and I would say that I walked in and saw he was dead. They all believed me, of course I was questioned at the police station, I just played the grieving friend, they all believed me, of course they would, it was very believable. Eventually the police decided that it was a villain attack and that there was no evidence that it was anything else.

After that I just went on a rampage, I killed anyone who even thought about touching Kirishima or Todoroki, they were mine and only mine, I think this is when they started seeing me as a suspect, they found the connection between me and all of the murders, they found out that I was the last person that all of the victims were with. That is when they started to suspect me even more. I was officially being held for the suspicion of murder and that leads us to now.

Thank you Mr. Bakugou for cooperating, this is exactly what we needed. the police officer said. But may I ask how many people did you kill in total? Yeah, I killed about six people, badly injured one." The only reason that I was telling them this was because Kirishima and Todoroki found out that I was the one killing all of these people, they told me that if I didn't turn myself in, that they would never talk to me again. I had the thought that I could kidnap them. I realized that that might make them hate me, I can't have that. That is why I am here today. To turn myself in, and explain why I did it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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