2. Midnight Walk And Pranking Teachers.

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"Outskirt of town?" I yelled immediately Hero drove out of town.
Hero said nothing but grinned evilly.

"You're not kidnapping me right Hero?" I gasped then looked at him. "Don't tell me you work for mafias who need sex slaves."

"You idiot, you're my best friend. Why the hell would I sell you to mafias?" He asked. "And plus if I was doing that, do you think it'll be reasonable if I tell you?"

"Stupid." He muttered shaking his head.

"I wish I carried my phone." I said.

"Too bad so sad." He said in a sing song manner.
He suddenly parked and we both came out of his car.
He locked the door then walked over to me.

"Where is this place?" I asked looking at the ugly looking place.
It was like a forest, scratch that it was a forest.

"Don't worry. You may wanna hop on my back though." He said.

"Nope I'm good." I declined.

"Don't say I didn't tell you." He shrugged then grabbed my hands and we walked into the forest.
* * *
"Is the offer of hoping on your back still on?" I asked panting. We were still in the forest and I was getting tired.
He smirked suddenly.
Don't say I told you so. Don't say I told you so.

"I told you so." He said then bent down. I hopped on his back and he secured me with his hands under my thighs.
* * *
"We're here." He announced.

"Wow." I muttered looking around.
It was like we were on top the world.
The sky was filled with stars and the City lights made it more beautiful.

"Beautiful right?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm the king of the world." He yelled making me giggle.

"Oh shut up Hero." I said.

"Oh and I brought food." He announced showing me a picnic basket I never realized was there.
He opened it then brought out two sandwiches, two apples, two bottles of beer root and two packs of chocolate chips.

"Oh thank God cause I'm hungry." I said to him. He spread a sheet on the floor then placed all the things on it.

"Figured you'll be. I came over after practice and your mum and this hot guy said you were asleep which means you didn't eat dinner." He explained then gestured for me to sit.
I nodded then sat next to him.

"The view's beautiful right?" He whispered as we looked at the sky.

"Yeah it is." I whispered back.

"Just like you." He said making my heart flutter.

"Why are you even doing this bucket list stuff?" He suddenly asked.
Ahhh... I knew he was curious.

"It's just that since I've been in high school, my life has been boring—"

"I do not disagree." Hero piped in. I glared at him.

"—and since I'm leaving highschool soon, I've decided to just do something fun with my life." I added.

"I gotta hand it to you, your list is damn. I mean smoke, make out with a random stranger, get a boyfriend. Damn." He said making me laugh.

"I wasn't actually going to use the list but you walked in unfortunately." I muttered the last part quietly but he heard it.

"At least one down, twelve more to go." He said.
We laid there and I think I slept off on the floor.
* * *
"Wake up Tess." Someone said tapping my hand.

"Leave me alone." I mumbled pushing the person away.

"Wake up Tess you need to get home. It's already midnight." Hero said making me jump up.

My Bucket List Before CollegeWhere stories live. Discover now