My love

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It was a nice day so I decided to go swimming. I go in side and call my friend maxy up "hey max do you wanna come over and go swimming with me" max says"sure Sam ill be right over" so max gets hear in abought 10 min. So we hope on my forweler and go to the creek were we always swim.max say's "last one in haves to" that's all he could say befor I pushed him in the water. We hear someone coming so we hide under the brige max's citizen comes and seas us than she says hey. Than this drop dead gorgeous guy comes along and max and I stare at him. I say "hey max he is hot you should go talk to him" max "he won't talk to me" me "yes he will now go" so max gets up and walks over to him than they talk for a good 20 min than max and the guy leaves. So I'm watching than go than max says "are you coming or staying hear" so I get out and go with. I think to my self god this guy is hot than the guy says hi to me and I say hi back. Than he asks what me name is and I say Sam than he tells me his name is ray than I say nice name and he says thanks.................

This is the first thing I ever rought please tell me how it is and ill right more btw I'm Sam

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