Larry one-shot.

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Okay so I wrote this Larry one shot/imagine because I was depressed and I got bored during school... Feedback would be much appreciated.xx

Louis realized what a mistake he had made by ignoring Harry all this time. He knew Harry didn't think of them as more than friends, he decided to go to Harry's house to apologize for everything. Upon arriving at Harry's house, he saw through the windows that all the lights were turned off. He didn't think anything of it, and he slowly turned the knob to see it was unlocked. It was unlike Harry to leave the door unlocked, when they shared a flat, Harry always locked the door because he was afraid. Louis walked in to the complete darkness, and began feeling the wall for the light switch. He felt it under his fingertips and flicked it on. What he saw shocked him. Everything was destroyed: broken chairs, vases, plates, glasses, and more. What happened in here? He saw a piece of paper on the floor folded in half that had "Louis" written faintly in the front on his friend's writing. He opened it up and all that was written in small writing was "watch what's on the TV. Turn it on, and then the video should start playing." Louis looked around for the control, and found it under a couple of destroyed pillows. He pressed the on button on the control, and sat on the floor. Confused as to what he was going to see, his eyes scanned the room and took in every little detail, just to waste time.. The video began with a teary-eyed Harry sitting on the edge of his bed, slowly breathing in and out. "Louis.." he said in his raspy voice. Louis immediately looked up, hoping to see Harry right in front of him, but frowned only seeing him on the TV screen. 

"I don't get why you hate me so much." A few tears escaped Louis eyes, he didn't hate Harry. He just didn't know what to say over this Larry stuff, and that he called it bullshit. "But it's okay, because I hate myself too now.." Louis gasped.

"I just don't understand. We were always best mates, and I just can't take this anymore.. I don't get it... why would you call our friendship 'bullshit.' Did you really mean that?" 

Louis wiped a tear that escaped his eye, "No.. I didn't.." he whispered. 

Harry breathed in again, and slowly let it out. "It's okay.. I don't care anymore. Because it's all just bullshit, right? Everything. What we used to do.. our friendship.. all the memories. Just bullshit." Harry grabbed some pictures off the floor, and they were of him and his old best mate. "Just bullshit.." he said quietly while he grabbed a lighter and lit the picture in flames. "It all means nothing.. just nothing.. bullshit," he said lighting all the pictures in flames. He let them fall to the floor. He poured water on them so they didn't make anything else catch fire.

Louis sat there and cried. He didn't know that it was hurting Harry this much.

Harry grabbed a box from the floor and shook it and whispered "Bullshit." and set it to flames. 

Louis was now on to the point of sobbing. He couldn't believe that Harry was doing this.

Harry got the water again and dumped it on the box. It left all the pictures burned, to the point where you couldn't make out what they were.

Louis was sobbing into his knees now.

Harry took another deep breathe. "I'm just done. I want my bestfriend back, well wanted, but it's too late. I'm sorry." Harry grabbed another water bottle and pills. "I can't take it anymore. I'm just done.. I wanted my bestfriend back, I wanted to be able to walk outside with him, and no one thought we were dating. I wanted to be able to talk to him during rehearsals... I wanted to do all the things we used to do. I'm sorry." Harry began taking the pills one by one. He went far past the point of overdose with pills. "By the time you see this, I'm going to be gone." Louis didn't care about watching the rest of the video. He frantically started yelling out to Harry, hoping it wasn't too late. "HARRY?!" He kept yelling out. He made his way to Harry's room, and saw a paper taped to the door and it said , "I'm sorry." And the ink was smeared with tears. He opened the door and instantly gasped.

Harry looked a deadly pale, and Louis just looked at Harry as the last of life flood from his face. "HARRY!" Louis screamed. He fell to his knees right besides Harry's body, and sobbed into Harry's chest.. "I'm sorry, Harry." He said inbetween sobs.

But it was too late. For anything. Harry was gone.. Never to be awake again. 

Louis' bestfriend was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2013 ⏰

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