Dream Girl

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No wake up call from mum nor dad this morning as it is the first morning of being on my own. The late night sneak outs, that I have been practicing with my friends, are the hero's of saving my life. Not having to go back home to only hear non stop arguments between my drunken parents, or having to be told that I am a failure from my successful siblings, has encouraged me to restart and find my life I should have.

The repetitive thoughts that are stuck in my head, makes it hard for me to think straight. Having depression due to your family neglecting you takes a huge evil toll on you. I just wished that I can have someone to talk to, someone I could trust.

The new beginning

As I approach Downabrough Academy, the dark skies begin to form above my head. The deathly sounds of silence hit as everybody dropped the jaws as they saw the new Koa for the first time. I walked into the doors and turned to my left and saw my friends Noah and Blake waiting for me as they normally do. Without speaking to them, I carried on as I walked towards my first class.

My hair was all greasy and my clothes were covered in muck. My shoes were covered in dust and my face was pale. I was living depression while wearing it to the world. No motivation could stop me living my new homeless state until, something caught my eyes. A figure wearing a bright yellow top and white skinny jeans walk into the classroom. The figure walked over to the only empty seat and sat down. My depressed, bum self was speechless. The hurtful thoughts of my family were gone. I blushed as she turned and made eye contact with me. The paleness of my face was becoming pink.

The Figure

Will be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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