The story of the sea monster

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It was just a usual Saturday down in London when Alex goes to his father and says "dad, remember when I was 4 we used to go down into the woods when mum was at work and we went fishing". His dad replies " Ah, yes Alex I do remember but I'm too stiff and old for that now. Alex says" Dad!! Your 23!! Can we please go fishing I know mum is sick but it will give her the rest that she needs". His dad replies"Oh fine, but your finding the fishing rods"he chuckles. They load a boat into the back of their Mercedes and some fishing rods and head off. "YIPPEE!! Alex exclaimed as he has already beaten his father with 10 fish while his dad only has 2. "Son, your getting better than me, when you we young you always complained that I had all the fish". Alex stands up to put the fish in the cooler and slips into the water. "DAD!! Alex exclaims as he slowly sinks. His father grabs onto his hand"SON ARE YOU OKAY!!. Alex screams "DAD YOU WONT BE ABLE TO PULL ME OUT THERE IS SOMETHING TAGGING ONTO MY LEG. Alex drops his hand into the water to try and get his foot loose off of whatever this could be and he raises his had but huh??Half of his arm was gone. He screams in pain.    The end

Story 1 of the sea monster Where stories live. Discover now