The urge to kill (part 1)

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[Warning, this chapter contains very, VERY violent actions, and some blood. Read at your own risk]

Your P.O.V

Today has been a little more unnatural than any school day. I got complements from almost everyone at school for my hair, as if the attention I get for my white hair isn't enough. Also, every now and again the lights would flicker on and off and my eyes would glow slightly. Of coarse the only people to notice were Mike and Keith, and for our own good, they didn't say anything. Not to mention the fact that I've been getting chills down my spine and slight headache all day. It all seems a little to weird and unnatural to be considered coincidental. It makes me curious and nervous for what's gonna happen later. The teacher left, and likely isn't coming back for a while, giving me more time too think. But as I'm sitting in geography, my thoughts are rudely interrupted by Simon.

"Hey snow white, what's with the highlights?" He says from behind me.

"What's with the sudden interest, you jet black sasquatch?" I snap bitterly. The expression on his face puts a grin on mine.

"Oh no you didn't!" He says.

"Oh yeah I did. What are you gonna do about it?" I say cheekily. The look of annoyance on his face makes the entire class chuckle, even the puppet. Then I get a sharp pain just like I did this morning, but I catch a glimpse of Mike holding his head in pain. The puppet had a concerned look on her face as it happened. Then the lights started flickering again.

"The hell is going on?" I hear Simon ask.

"Damnit, not again." I mutter.

"What was that Drake?" I hear Heather ask.

"N-Nothing." I respond. Then the lights go off completely and I see a faint purple glow from my eyes. I try my best to hide it, but Simon catches sight of it.

"What's going on with your eyes snow white?"

Just like that, all eyes are on me. And to my fear, my eyes start glowing a brighter purple than before. Not long after, whispers start going around the classroom with the mention of me constantly being repeated.

"Drake's eyes"

"What's going on with them?"

"Is he the reason for the lights are flickering?"

"He's probably possessed or something"

"Why are they glowing like that?"

I feel my anxiety start to rise with every second. I've never had anyone looking at me like this for this long before. I try to hide away from it all but I still feel their eyes staring at me, which only makes my fear increase.

"No wonder his parents left him at that orphanage, I bet they didn't want to deal with all this paranormal stuff so they made him someone else's problem." I hear Simon say.

Those words make me sit upright, the anxiety and fear I was feeling suddenly turned into anger. My eyes glow brighter and the lights start flickering rapidly. I turn to face Simon with an angry expression plastered on my face. I clench my fists and grind my teeth before standing up and looking directly at Simon. The lights then go off again, but this time it's pitch black. Then I hear a deafening shriek coming from him, and then a thud and a crack on the other side of the room. The lights then flicker back on again, and the sight makes the entire class scream in pure fear and disgust.

"DRAKE WHAT IN THE EVER LIVING FUCK DID YOU DO!?" I hear Heather scream. Her face is pale. I look in the direction everyone else is staring and my eyes instantly go wide with shock.

Simon sat there propped up against the wall, blood was dripping from his face and onto the floor. The next thing I see is his hand, impailed against the wall by a pair of scissors also dripping blood. My scissors. He also had a pen sticking out of his thigh and a pencil lodged in his shoulder, both of which also belong to me. His entire body was bruised and bloody. My eyes stop glowing and I put my hand over my mouth, backing away slowly until my back is against the wall. Once again all eyes are on me, all horrified. Even Mike and the puppet gave me that horrified look.

"I-I didn't mean to... I-I, don't even know how I did that- Did I even do that? I didn't mean to-" I stutter quickly. Tears start to stream own my face. I hold the sides of my head and breathe heavily. Then the door to the classroom bursts open and a few teachers rush in.

"Is everyone okay? We heard screaming-"

Without even realising it I dash out the classroom, down the hall and before I know it's I'm out of the school gate and running back home to the orphanage. I don't bother looking back, I just keep running and running. I end up running so much that by the time I realise that I'm out of breath, I find myself in an alleyway, sitting against a wall, holding my head, crying uncontrollably. My head is spinning with thoughts.

'I think a murderer, I think might've actually killed someone.'

'Am I gonna get expelled?'

'Am I gonna get arrested? Shit, shit, shit, shit!'

'How did that even happen?'

'Did I really kill Simon?'

'What have I done?'

'...what have I done...'


Hello again everyone. I'm back and writing for you all again. I was actually more excited to write this chapter than most of the others so far, and I really love how it turned out. It had just the right amount of "murder" in it. Also, I feel kinda bad about ending the chapter there, so in the next one I'll mention what actually happened to Simon, for those of you wondering. I'll have that uploaded later today. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you in the next one.

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