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A boy brutally attacked and injured by a fellow classmate and the disappearance of another student has East Coast High School in utter shock!

Earlier today, a young ninth grade boy at East Coast High School, Simon Kruz, was rushed to the ER after being mercilessly attacked by a fellow classmate at school. The boy had suffered from a cracked skull, multiple fractures and about three stab wounds, all of which were inflicted with regular school utensils. The student who attacked him is still unknown, but the school says that he, or she, will be dealt with accordingly.

"It's unclear as to why Simon was assaulted, or who did it, as our students are too petrified to say anything, but one thing is certain. We will make sure that this student is apprehended and make sure that an incident like this will never happen again."

In other news, a student from the same school of East Coast High has gone missing close to the time of the assault. A fifteen year old boy, called Drake by his friends, has disappeared at around the same time the other boy was attacked. Police are on the case to find this missing boy. Whether this is linked to the brutal attack is a mystery.

An assault and a missing persons case both in the same day? Will the school's reputation be able to bounce back from this? And will Drake be be found? More on that later or as it happens.

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