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'YOU! I KNEW IT! YOU ARE DEFINITELY AN ARMY! YOU KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT US! SPECIALLY ABOUT ME!' Jungkook yelled as he pointed his fingers towards Y/N. Y/N got scared because of his sudden out burst as she backed away a little from where she was standing.

'W-what do you mean? I-I don't know anything about you guys, nor about you!' 'Then why did you said you are afraid of microwave?!' 'Cause I am scared because it can blow at any mome-' 'Again! It is my dialogue! I am saying this when I was child! Every fan of us knows about it!'

'H-huh?!' 'Enough Jungkook, it is not a crime if she is afraid of microwave like you. There are thousands of people in this world who are afraid of microwaves!' Jin said as he tried to calm down the Maknae when he noticed how frightened Y/N was.

'I-I seriously didn't k-knew, I-I am sorry,' Y/N let out a sob before bowing and running away. Yoongi sighed. 'Jungkook, I get that you are pissed off because of her attitude but still she is a girl! You shouldn't talk to a girl like that.' 'He didn't talked hyung, he basically yelled at her. Look Jungkook, Yoongi hyung is right.' Jimin said.

Jungkook walked away from there furiously as Jin said, 'Let him calm down first. Then we will make him understand.' 'What happened to Gguk? He just passed by us furiously,' Hoseok said as he and Namjoon entered the room. Yoongi sighed before saying what Jungkook said to him in the car and what happened in the room.

'I think she is BTS fan but she is shy just like Yoongi hyung though?' Namjoon said. 'Or maybe she has a problem which made her imitate Jungkook or maybe it was a coincident?' Jin said. 'Or maybe she looks a little like Jungkook, like her bunny smile etc.?' Jimin said.

'Jungkook never ever was like this to any girl, why he is specifically pissed off at Y/N?' Hoseok said. 'Maybe her first encounter with Jungkook wasn't good enough?' Taehyung said making them startle as they didn't even realized when Taehyung entered the room. 'When did you came?!' 'A few minutes ago Namjoon hyung.'

'Well, I think that their fights are normal among us.' Yoongi said making them look at him. 'What do you mean by that Yoongi?' Jin asked. 'Like the one who have younger siblings can relate with this. When your younger siblings imitate you, you guys gets angry, when your younger siblings or your siblings specifically do something to annoy you, you get angry just like Jungkook got with Y/N right?'

'You have a point though. When me and my cousin were young, he would always imitate what I do, at first it was funny but then I got angry as it would make me feel irritate,' Taehyung said. 'So, what should we do? Should we label her relation with Jungkook from a shy ARMY to a sibling one?' Jimin said.

'Mayb-' 'You guys are here? Eat fast! And then go to the green room and change you dress. Today you have only RUN BTS schedule. Where is Jungkook?' 'He is in the washroom maybe, don't worry we will inform him and will go to the green room.' Jin said as their manager left.

Hoseok then called Jungkook. At first he didn't received it but when Hoseok called again he received it. The members has decided that if a member calls more than one time, then it is important, if the member calls for more than 2 or 3 times that means it's most important thing for the receiver one.

After informing Jungkook they went to the green room. Y/N was already there with other staffs. They changed their clothes and sat down. 'Hey, can you do my make up for today?' Yoongi said as Y/N nodded. 'You were scared right? You also cried..' Y/N got startled when Yoongi said to her.

'I-I...I am really saying the t-truth, I don't know you guys! I just got to know you now. And about the microwave, I seriously am scared of it. If you want I can call my parents now and you can ask him. I was never in to K-pop.'

'It's okay, I-we believe you.' Y/N sighed before finishing his make up. Jungkook came as he changed his dress and sat on a chair. Y/N hesitated but still walked towards him. He didn't said anything neither she. She just did her work before walking away.

'달려라 방탄!' The guys said as Namjoon said, 'So, what are we going to do today?' 'This is RUN BTS episode 79 right?' Hoseok said. 'Lotte duty free~' Jungkook said. 'Today's topic of RUN BTS is, 'Operation 007' The director said.

'007! Dung dung dung~' The guys started to act like a detective as Yoongi said, 'Jungkook is spy, everyone keep that in mind.' 'Why I am the spy?!' Jungkook said they laughed at him. Y/N looked at the cheerful Jungkook before tightening her shoelace so that she won't have trouble when she will run.

The director explained the game as he also said the prize money. Y/N was surprised as she heard the prize money. Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung stayed on the 9th floor as the rest of the guys went to 8th floor.

Yoongi started to run when they started. Y/N focused on Jimin as she followed him everywhere. Jimin started to run towards the places where he saw cards as he already gathered a lot. As it was her first time, she only focused on her work not caring about the others. Yoongi and Jimin were together most of the time.

Yet suddenly Jimin couldn't find any card as Y/N felt pity. She saw one card which Jimin missed as she sneakily throw it on the floor. Jimin noticed as he took the card and winked at Y/N. Y/N blushed as she looked away.

'Oh, I want to play a game!' Jimin said before playing a game with mister chicken. He won some and lose some and then started to run again. Suddenly Y/N tripped and hardly managed to stay still as she looked down to see the thing she tripped off. But she became confused when she saw there was nothing. 'How the hell did I tripped hard when there is no single thing on my foot!' She thought..



T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now