Chapter 1

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Y/n walked to her locker, her eyes on the ground and her hair in her face as usual. She was a rather chunky girl with glasses and terrible acne. Quiet and shy, she was the type of girl who stood silently in the corner while everyone else enjoyed themselves. She had no friends and tended to try and stay out of everyone's way. While she left everyone else alone, that didn't stop others from targeting her. She had been a victim of bullying her whole life. While many of her past tormenters had gotten bored and moved on, two boys in particular seemed to never want to stop. She was their favorite target. The were both wealthy, spoiled and very handsome and always got away with everything. They were all starting their freshman year of high school and the boys' teasing would still not cease. One day, Y/n finally got up the courage to report them to the principal, which was a disaster. The principal, who actually seemed annoyed that she was there, told her to just stop 'giving them a reason' to say those nasty things and dismissed her. What was worse is they somehow found out about her going to him and him doing nothing and were taunting her worse than ever. From then on, she decided never to try and get help again. It wouldn't do any good anyway. She now took her books from her locker, reluctantly starting another day.

Y/n's Perspective
I left my locker and almost immediately found myself caught in the middle of a huge crowd. You know how it is, in high school, everyone trying to get different places at once. I tried to fight my way through it, but people kept blocking me and I could barely move.

I was struggling when all of a sudden...

"Y/n, move!"

My bully was right behind me.

I jumped a little and tried to moved faster, but it is quite difficult to move when stuck in the center of a crowd like this. He knows this, he just wanted an excuse to mess with me again.

"Move it!"

I felt his hands connecting with my back as he harshly pushed me through the crowd. I stumbled forward and managed to keep my balance trembling with anger and fear.

People were quickly moving on, determinedly avoiding eye contact with me. Others were giving him disapproving looks, but of course, no one spoke up. They never do.

I slowly looked to the side. Kai smirked at me as he moved on to class. I closed my eyes for a second and sighed before reluctantly following him because unfortunately we have the same first class.

As soon as I entered, I spotted Kai sitting at the back of the room with his best friend and my other bully Taeyong. As soon as they saw me, they smirked and started whispering to each other. Fighting back the urge to cry, I sat in my seat at the front of the class, just as the teacher arrived.

It went as usual: me sitting quietly while taking notes, never raising my hand for anything and trying to pretend their weren't two boys leering at me from the back of the room, throwing bits of paper at me when the teacher wasn't looking.

When the bell finally rang, I gathered up my stuff as quickly as I could, wanting to get out of there before Kai and Taeyong could catch up. Sometimes if I'm not quick enough they would put their arms around me and act overly friendly while making passive aggressive comments about my weight, putting me in terrible danger of crying in front of them. I can't stand up to them. They terrify me. I've tried timidly making peace before and got only laughs in return.

Luckily, I make it out in time and take brief comfort in remembering I don't have anymore classes with them for the rest of the day. That unfortunately doesn't stop them from teasing me in the hall between classes or sticking out their feet to try and trip me up.

The rest of the day went on normally. Being chosen last for teams in gym class, eating lunch alone, being taunted by Kai and Taeyong with the rest of their friends joining in halfheartedly, laughing uncomfortably. They didn't approve, but did nothing to stop it. Pussies.

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