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an irritating buzzing sound drew jaemin from a sleep that wasn't all that deep. under his eyes were darkened with exhaustion, and he could only blame it on having to remake the vanilla frosting again as well as giving into renjun's insatiable needs all night. his chest was heavy with the urge to do nothing ever again, yet he clumsily threw his arm out to fumble along the surface of his bedside locker and collided with the device. his eyes hurt too much to check the caller id, so he didn't bother.

"don't answer that," a sleepy, deep voice muttered from beside him, and he nearly leapt free from his skin in fright. his gaze couldn't have shot to the male fast enough, and as if pigs had flown and goldfish climbed a few trees, there lay huang renjun in all his glory. the golden sunlight pouring in a single stripe from his carelessly drawn curtains zipped across the boy's cheek and lit up his beautiful hair.

"what are you doing in my bed?" he croaked weakly, and the call died out...only to go again. whoever it was seemed desperate to reach him.

"what do you mean?" the young adult sighed airily and cuddled in further to the sheets. "we fucked last night."

"you never wake up beside me..."

"correction; you never wake up beside me."

"whatever. the point still stands, why haven't you gone home? finally wanting some friendship time?"

"na jaemin, you're a weirdo," the brunette giggled hoarsely and faintly cracked one eye open to view him. his smile was utterly gorgeous, and one wouldn't have thought by looking at renjun that'd he'd be so sociopathic. "i felt bad. that's why i stayed the night. plus your family weren't home."

jaemin glanced at his phone and read jeno's name at long last. he wasn't the type to decline his best friend's calls, but he was so much more fascinated by this conversation at the moment. he slid across the red phone symbol and set his device to silent, putting it back. "why did you feel bad?"

"i've been grumpy over the past week or so, haven't i? even i've noticed."

"it's sort of...normal. not to be rude."

the smaller playfully smacked his arm and grumbled incoherently. "ugh, you're so annoying. i felt bad that i'd snapped at you last night, and i probably said things i shouldn't have, or at least over the past couple of days. so..." he rolled his eyes and turned over to have his back to him, "i stayed the night."

is he...embarrassed? the ravenette blinked in wonder, a cunning smile reaching his lips before he koala hugged the boy from behind. "ugh, you're so fucking cute, renjun. i forgive you, but only because you're so squishy."

𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴; renminWhere stories live. Discover now