Neon Gods

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Title: Neon Gods

Author: Katee Robert (A USA Today & New York bestselling author)

Genre: Romance, Greek Mythology

Rating: 7/10

Before I begin my review, it must be stated that I'm not an avid reader of the romance genre because it tends to include so much smut it makes me uncomfortable. (I adore soft romance.)

Before I started this book, I was excited for all the allure usually found in Greek mythology books; the magic, the power, the gods, the titans, the mortals, and of course, it's depiction of Olympus and the Olympians. When I started the book however, I was taken aback. It was nothing I expected at all, and to be honest, it had me confused for a good two chapters, my mind seemed rebellious of accepting this new concept which was being thrown at it.

The Olympians were referred to as "The Thirteen" and the "gods" weren't gods; but power hungry mortals in a high socialite group chasing legacy titles, that so happened to be the names of the Greek gods we are familiar with. Olympus was just like any other place, like a California or a Los Angeles the only difference being, it was divided into upper and lower cities divided by bridges and an unseen pressure barrier (that has yet to be explained). Also, Hermes is a girl. I had an especially hard time wrapping my mind around that change.

For some, this new premise might seem exciting, and an adventure waiting to be explored. For me however, it was lackluster of all the expectations that drew me to the book in the first place. That said, the writing was particularly captivating and that was enough to keep my interest, enough to make me willing to explore this new route the writer decided to pave for me. That, and she did manage to keep some familiar personality traits so that everything wasn't completely unfamiliar.

The story follows Demeter's daughter Persephone, who wants nothing but to leave the city of Olympus and her relationship with the Boogeyman of Olympus, the myth that was Hades, scarred by the tyrant that holds the title Zeus and fuelled by the retribution he must deliver. To say the least it was passionate, cheeky, steamy, way too much smut for me, revengeful and overall a satisfying read. It was interesting to see them explore each other's dynamics and bring about multiple changes in each other, though I wished it wasn't quite so often done through sex.

The book was relatively fast paced; they only had three months after all, but the romance between them doesn't feel rushed. Switching POVs between Hades and Persephone was also genius, given that, we the readers were given the opportunity to watch them both fall for each other which, if I may say so, was truly sweet.

Unlike when I had just begun the book, instead of mild disappointment, I was left satisfied and looking forward to more of Hades' and Persephone's story as they navigate their new life together. Unfortunately, this is not to be so as the second book in this series is about the story of Eros and Psyche (who, in this world, is a daughter of Demeter and a sister to Persephone). As interesting as that premise is (I read the preview), I'm not particularly excited to read it just yet. I may have to prepare myself for the smut I know will be waiting for me between those covers.
For this book however, I'd definitely suggest reading it, and since I'm such a wonderful person, just in case you do read it, I tried my absolute best to exclude all spoilers as much as possible. Your welcome!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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