getting to know him <3

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you let Ryan in the house  

Ryan: Y/n what are you doing here at the house alone 

Y/n: Ryan i'm the boys went to go eat some were i don't know were they went 

Ryan : why did you not go with them 

Y/n : I was not feeling like going so I just stayed home 

Ryan: oh do you want to watch anime with me 

Y/n: sure what anime are we going to watch 

Ryan: do you want norgami

Y/n: sure 

Ryan : okay yay 

you and Ryan were watching anime for like 2hours  until the boys come home 

Ryan : so Y/n how are you 

Y/n: i'm fine thank you and you

Ryan : i'm good thank you 


I like her so much but I can't tell her I feel like she does not like me do I tell her or no  I have to tell sebastian and oilver but do I have to 


I like him but i'm to scared to tell him  I just like him to much I have ask my borthres if i can date him if i ask him out but i'm just to  scared to ask him tho 

Ryan: Y/n want to go get boba 

Y/n: yes I love boba 

Ryan: okay  let's goooo

you and Ryan go and get boba then you got home the boys  were  home 

Oliver: Y/n I  was looking for you 

Y/n: sorry I was geting boba 

Oliver: with who 

Y/n: umm I went with Ryan 

Oliver : Ryan he came when 

Y/n: ya he did when you were gone he came 

Oliver : oh that was the one at the door 

Y/n: yup me and Ryan went to go get boba 

Oliver: you know you had to text me that it was Ryan 

Y/n: oh sorry Oli

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