Left Behind.

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I wasn't sure where I was until my eyes adgusted to the darkness. The room was small. The only light shining in was from the door in the far corner of the room. I had to figure out what I was doing here, even worse how many day's I've been out cold.

I new from the stiffness in my muscles that it had to be at least a day or two since I was brought to this place. When I tried to move, the handcuffs I had just realised were on me scratched against my pale skin. Now, all I had to do was wait and hope this was some horrible mix-up. When you don't know what time it is or how much time goes by it feels like an eternity sitting in darkness. The door to the room opened and a cloaked man or women (I wasn't sure) sat a tray of food in front of me and slid it towards me. I ate the food quickly with my free hand, hidden under the tray was a key. I assumed to unlock me from the handcuffs. To my suprise, that was what the key was actually for. I slid my hand from the cuff and crawled towards the door. I banged on it screaming for someone to let me out.

"If you want the door to open, all you have to do is think" Holy Shit, I thought, I'm hearing voices.

"No, really, all you have to do is imagine the door opening, and it will." So, I did.

At first, the door creaked, then the hinges rattled. The door burst open letting in floresent light from the outside. "This is good." Said the cloaked man.

"What in the hell do you want from me?" I asked. "I don't want something, I want to give you something."

 "Okay, well, you're crazy. What in the world would you want to give a stranger, a teenage girl stranger at that."

 "My knowledge, of the somewhat supernatrual ability you have."

"What?! Your insane" he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

"Just let me explain. You have an ability, to be able to do things with your mind, even control other peoples. You're dangerous, and you know it. I've been assigned by a group to teach you to control this gift of yours."

Damnit! He figured out my tricks, the tricks i've been using to pull my way through things my entire life. 

"It isn't a gift it's a curse. And how exactly does teaching me to control my ability's involve locking me in a dark room for days?"

"I had to see if you could actually do it." 

"Do what?" 

"Escape,  from the room without a key, or your hands."

"Whatever, I'm leaving." I stood and walked away. He grabbed my arm, letting the hood over his head fall to his shoulders. He was beautiful, hia thick black hair settled on his shoulders and his emerald green eyes shone with loyalty and forgiveness.

"Please, just stay, I'm not here to hurt you. I want to help you." My knee's felt weak. He was someone, different, like me, I finnaly felt like I wasn't alone. I couldn't just turn him down.

"Fine," I mumbled

"What?" He asked.

I spoke up, "Fine, I'll stay, just let me go geet some stuff first if this is going to be a permanent thing."

 "Okay, where do you need to go?" He asked, he sounded excited. Probably happy that I decided to stay with him. But, truth is, I didn't have anywhere to go. My entire life I've spent day ripping people off on the streets. Going from one place to another for my next meal.

When I finnaly calmed down from my snot cry, I took a look around the room. The entire time I had been talking to this guy I had been sitting in front of the door to the room where I had been trapped. Now, I realized, I was in a nicely furnished apartment.

"I suppose if I'm going to agree to this I should know your name." I said.

"The name's Bane, and yours?" He asked. I supposed the question seemed normal but I thought it was weird he didn't even know my name even though he captured me and kept me hostage.

"You don't even know my name," I sighed, "My name's Stormie." He held out his hand.

"Well Stormie, it's nice to meet you. Well formally of course." I shook his hand and he shot me a dazzaling white smile. I smiled back at him. Even though I  didn't  know him that well as he stood over me I felt weak. I've always been the gorgeous girl with long black hair, a pale complexion, and soft baby blue eyes that could see into your soul. I was tough everyone in the Des Moines, Iowa new that. But around him I felt like the fragile little girl I used to be when I was abandoned on the side of the road and had to learn to fend for myself. He moved towards the kitchen and pulled out a familiar duffle bag.

"I thought you would need this. I saw you on the side of the road and knew it was you they wanted me to find."

"How did you know it was me? And, what do you mean they. Honestly, you have alot of explaining to do." He sighed and walked me over to a couch and sat me down kneeled to me and looked me intently in the eye. "And, first things first. You're not going to talk to me like I'm some little kid. Don't give me some bullshit story that I need protecting because you and I both know that's not why I'm here."

"Okay, the people who hired me are some group trying to fine paranormal, supernatrual people to help them fight evil or some shit. Honestly, I don't know but when I saw you I automatically knew it was you they were talking about. Just stay. Please?!"

"I already said yes! Just tell me where I'm going to stay and give me some peace to figure this out."

"Well, this is only a one room apartment so only one bed. I guess I can sleep on the couch." I know, you must be wondering why I was agreeing to stay with a stranger. To be honest, I don't know. I felt like I belonged there so there is where I was going to stay.

"Okay," He led me to the room and I sat on the bed. He walked towards the door.

"I'll be in the living room if you need me. Tonight we'll start your first lesson if that's okay with you."

"Yeah, sure." I sighed and he walked out of the room leaving to door cracked open probably to hear if I was going to try and escape throught  the window or some stupid shit like that.

I cried. Hard and long. Just bawlled my eyes out, which was something I've needed to do for a while. By the time I stopped my eyes were swollen. Bane walked in with a box of tissues sat on the bed and held me in his arms.

"I'm really sorry, but I have to do this." He whispered in my ear. He stood up and walked out again but before he let the door shut he opened it just enough to let his head in. "I'm not the enemy please don't treat me like I am."

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry, the story isn't really developed yet, and I couldn't think of a title so, thanks for reading :)

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry, the story isn't really developed yet, and I couldn't think of a title so, thanks for reading :)

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