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6th of September, the first day of year 11. Rezija knew she had to focus this year, no time for messing around she had to pass her exams, but that one boy. The same one she'd been crushing on for over a year now, who she was too scared to talk to and too awkward to look at. It all started with just a quick drawing. A sun and a moon.

Examining her time table, she noted down her lessons for the day and left tutor time. Maths, Art, English and Science. He was only in her science last year but she knew he wouldn't be this year as she had moved classes for her exams. She lined up outside of maths and patiently waited for the teacher to arrive. The teacher eventually arrived and set the seating plan up on the board. Rezija took her seat and scanned the room for people to talk to. More people started entering the classroom and she froze. There he was. She started sweating and neatening her self up.

He asked miss for his seat and headed over to it. Next to her. On a desk, just them. For the whole lesson they didn't say a word, just an occasional knee touch. But that was enough to make her day. She put her books into her tote bag and headed to her next lesson, while he sat there and watched her leave.

For the rest of the day all she thought about was him, how to start a conversation with him, how to admire him. His scars, his eyes, his hair, his hands, his outfit, his jewellery, his personality, him. Eventually, the day was over and she headed home, the sky was grey as the rain lightly pattered on the drains of the road. She tossed her bag on the end of her unmade bed, picking her homework out and placing it on the desk to then start studying. Rezija finished her homework as the stars shone brighter in the sky. Chucking her hair into a ponytail and crawling into bed, she fell asleep thinking about him.


The sun shone brightly in the sky while the wind left subtle noises playing through the windows, she walked through the quad to get to her first lesson of the day. Taking a seat on the wooden chairs, she pulled out her notebook and began taking notes, impatiently waiting for the next lesson just so she could see him. The teacher finally dismissed them as she hurried to her next class and took a seat. Seb walked in, smiling at her as he sat down and grabbed his book out of his bag. He wore slightly baggy black jeans with a dark green hoodie layered with necklaces and rings, she felt herself tense up as he looked towards her, "what are we doing?" he asked, "surface area." she stuttered out, he nodded and started doing his work as she sat there in panic and disbelief.

Rezija continued with her work until she got stuck on a question, she hesitantly put her hand up to ask the teacher for help, but before the teacher even saw her hand, seb had pulled out his earphone to help her himself. He lightly tapped her to gain her attention,

"what are you stuck on?" she turned her head towards him,

"oh, question 17," She stared as his finger traced down the paper to the question she was stuck on. Her breath deepened as wishful thoughts filled her mind. Seb started to explain the question but her mind was too hazy the listen, occasionally nodding her head trying to not give away the fact she was too panicked over his hands to pay attention. After she finally tuned back into her surroundings seb had finished explaining, Rezija left clueless.

She shifted in her in chair uncomfortably, trying to build up the courage to ask him to repeat it, whether that was to hear his voice again or to actually do the question was unknown. Rezija stayed glaring at the paper, mouth slightly agape.

"Could you go through it again, please?" she fiddled with her pen, trying to understand sebs explanation. He spoke slowly and carefully, trying to be as clear as possible. Rezija smiled gently at him, "thanks," seb turned back to his own paper after Rezija received a small nod back in response.

Silence overcame them for the rest of the class, which was eventually interrupted by the teacher, "ok guys time to pack up."


Fog set in Rezijas mind as the sky darkened into a charcoal roof over her street. Light water drizzled down, laying into small puddles in every crack in the tarmac whilst birds sped through the air whistling happy tunes despite the dark sky.

Music filled her ears as she slowly paced down her street, eyes glued to the ground, mind empty. Her brunette hair dampened more every minute due to the mist and endless fog that soared into the distance, seeming as it just looped around the world without a clear spot in sight.

The door creaked shut behind her as she went straight upstairs, now sat on the end of her bed once again, with the blinds and curtains closed, leaving little to no light seep through the mossy windows.

She wrapped herself in the olive green sheets, back laid flat on the mattress as her eyes scanned the ceiling for any sort of pattern to focus on. Calming songs roamed throughout her ears, keeping her heart rate steady from going completely out of control as she thought about nothing and everything.

Scenarios played through her head, wishing she could be in a different reality where she felt alright, content. One of the few things she did enjoy in this world was piano, the ability to create happy upbeat music you could dance your soul out to, to then slow pure songs to cry your heart out to silently. The way her fingers glided so smoothly across each key that was so easily memorised from a young age that it felt like second nature to her.

Rezija pictured keys moving to each note being played in the song, matching it up so perfectly a professional pianist could do the same thing. Eventually, the urge overtook her, throwing the sheets onto the floor and she pulled out her stool rather aggressively from underneath the piano and delicately placed her fingers onto the keys. 

She stayed there for hours, until the sun set and left a fiery tint in the sky that humans felt they could only appreciate if they took a picture of it. Rezija then walked down to the kitchen to say hello to her mum who she hadn't realised had been home for longer than she thought after she looked at the time.

"10:30?" Rezija quietly whispered to herself, slightly puzzled on how she spent that long playing whatever came to her mind. 

Taking a step back, she spun around to face the living room, only to notice her mum wasn't there, and that she must be in bed. Rezija let out a quiet, disappointed sigh as her shoulders slouched down. A pale grey shone through the sheer curtains onto the wooden floor underneath Rezija's feet. She stood there clueless on what to do with herself, too restless to sit or sleep.

She settled on a walk just to get her last bit of energy out before she went to bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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