A fox

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Sasuke has been running from ninjas ever since he went rouge. He was jumping from tree to tree trying to run away from some leaf ninja. He had a large bounty over his head and many people wanted him dead.

"They never know when to quit do they." Sasuke said still jumping until he was hit with something from behind. "Gaah!!" He said as he made his way toward the ground when he hits a hill. He starts to tumble down a hill, he hits a lot of very sharp and spiky trees and leaves.

When he hits the ground he lands with a loud thud. He was bloodied up but not too bad, he looks around to see a cave and decides to hide in there until they leave. As he goes inside he seen it was very dark and wet. "Well I guess this is the best I have." He said sighing.

He keeps his guard up as he leans against the cave wall. "Man I'm tired." He said as he rubs his temples tiredly. He sits down and closes his eyes, he goes to sleep keeping his guard up.

When he wakes up he decides to go to the entrance of the cave to see if the ninjas were gone. When the coast was clear he was about to go out until he starts hearing a yelping sound.

He tightly clutches his sword as he makes his way deeper into the cave. He keepers going until he can hear it clearer. He uses his fire ball jutsu and lights the cave a bit. He looks around until he sees a small box, he moves a bit closer to the box to see that it was moving.

He takes out his sword and opens the box a bit when a small fox pokes its head out. Sasuke was startled a bit and backs away a bit. (What he looks like is the picture above.)
He puts his sword away and moves back to the box.

"What is a fox going in a cave, in a box at that." He pets the fox a bit and then the fox jumps from the box onto sasuke's lap startling him a bit. Soon Sasuke forgot about what he was doing and just played with his.

Suddenly he hears raindrops outside the cave and snaps out of it. "Oh I guess I spaced out for a bit, I think I should take you home I've grown fond of you a bit." He said while still petting him. The small fox started yapping and jumping around in his lap. "Ill take that's a yes." He said smiling.

A/n:That's going to be it for today. Sorry if there's mistakes it is not edited because I am VERY tired. I will try to update this story more than by other one but that's going to do it.

Goodbye my foxes

Word count:445

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