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HAM,BEEF AND nathaniel

So ham was doing his thing when he saw this glow light coming from this cave so ham goes in there and there was a portal ham wanted to go get help but he wanted to see what was on the other side so he goes in and BAM!!... He woke up in this like dreamworld under water. When he was getting out of the water he started to die so he went back in to the water as he did he had a TAIL!! "What the crap why do i have a tail." said Ham. "Then i new something was not right here."said Ham. then he new that that was the portal of change lives so he went from a turtle to a serpent ;(.
That day he was under attack by ships then he new that he would not stand a chance. but he took that risk and bang like that ham took out 5 ships in less than 240 milliseconds. Then he was un killable because NOW!! He was the serpent of death. Ham did not want to fight but he did not have a option.So Ham went on his journey to find his way home to a turtle Live. Jest as he said that BANG! His best friend Beef did the same thing that he did but he was not a serpent he was a sea dragon which he thought was way cooler then being a serpent."Well at least i have you beef."said Ham. "ya me to at least i have you Ham."said Beef. So the two best friends were swimming in the big blue ocean until they were...Badabom
They woke up in this like 5,000,000,000 gallon fish tank that had only ham and beef in it. When they looked up they saw people there starring at them.Ham and Beef got a little scared and shy so they tried to get out but when they got really close to the edge of the cage they where poked by sharp spear like stuff. So they where trapped for the rest of there lives but they heard a loud BANG!! That second they were saved because there owner nathaniel. "yay were saved thank you nathaniel."said Ham and Beef. "ya ya ya we will talk about this later for now lets find a cave or a shelter."said nathaniel. Ok we have set up camp anybody hungry.
"Omg that was delicious nathaniel can we have mac and cheese every day please pretty please."said beef. "No but lets take a rest."said nathaniel. Ok.The next morning i woke up and nathaniel and beef where gone so i went outside and we were floating i look up and nathaniel and beef are controlling us. So i find a way up there and when i do they tell me to man the turrets. "Why."said ham. "Because we are under attack by the people that i saved you two from."said nathaniel. "Ok but will they kill us."said beef. "No they wont i hope."said nathaniel. "Well lets stop talking and start shooting."said nathaniel. Ok. "STOP! don't shoot." shouted nathaniel. Why not. because they have turned invisible so if i where you go down stairs and get ready to get boarded.
Krunk BOOOM!!. What jest happened where we boarded. No we crash landed.Well what now we go find another place to sleep. nathaniel i am hungry. Sorry i did not plan on being down here for more than two days. shhhhhh. I see a deer do you have a gun or a spear or something to kill it. No but i do have you to ham and beef here drink these. What will these do. They will make you be able to go on land with out getting killed right away. Ok. Glug glug gulg. Ok now trie to walk on land. O ya this feels so good to be able to walk on land for the first time in 10 days. So can you run. Yes. Ok now lets get going before you two get found and the kill us for sure this time. So you have been here 10 days have you spotted the portal back home yet.
No have you found a glowing light from anywhere. Well i did see one back at the 5,000,000,000 gallon fish tank. How are we going to get there we don't have a army we only have us three. Well we can go and ask the people that i got attack by before beef camehjmnb in to this life of boring ness. Hay don't say that at this beautiful world. Why we did almost get killed and you don't call that bad or when i was attacked by the people in the big ships bad that tried to kill me hu that is good to you. No it is bad but all the other things in this world. This is the most fun world that i have ever discovered in all discoveries in man kind. Well i gess that there is some cool things in this world like beef going in the portal to give me someone to talk to and you nathaniel for coming in here.
the discovery
Well now lets get to finding the people that i saved you two from and go in the portal home. Shhh. What i hear something. It sounds like lots of people marching. Why would people be marching? I don't know. lets take a look. No no no!!!! this messes all this up now we have to go throw all of the rebels. Ok but do you want to get home or die here in this wast land? I want to go home. Ok lets go home. First lets go to sleep. Ok this is the plan. we wait tell they drop the portal then we rush in the portal then we are back home sound like a plan.
Yes. Well that was quick. Why do you say that. Because they apparently they are taking a bathroom stop. Now is are chance. Lets go arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Whoosh. Are we home yet. i don't no look at your feet are you human or what? um we are all monkeys even you nathaniel you are a monkey. Well now where is the portal back to home. o i now sense we are monkeys we have the ability to climb to the top of any trees. So lets go take a look. Hey look there it is the portal back home. Is it being protected is it in the open. Yes it is lets.go home to our families woho lets go. Bung. Ug what happen. i don't no lets throw a rock at the portal. bung. great there is a force field around the portal how do we get rid of the force field it's not like we walk to a generator right in front of us and blow it up? omg i am so stupid there is one right in front of us. BBBOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! THAT GEST HAPPENED that a go lets go home. wosh are we turtles yet or are some for god sakin fruity pebble. nop better we are dragons. ham is a fire dragon beef is a ice dragon and nathaniel is a mix of a fire and a ice. Hello. Who said that? i did. hu o ya now this is a trip now we have Alex p. hows it going Alex p. good. Alex p how did you get in here. i umade a portal. how did you guys get in here. a portal. first it was ham then beef then nathaniel then you. "Uhh." nathaniel said, "who is that.""It is me the MILODRAGONSNAKEKITTY." Milo said "muaaaaaaahahahahah." A milo where did you come from?????"Your basement."there are no basements in this dimention so how did you Pcome from a basement?????"I made one.""speaking of people we are the only ones here right now alex.p beef and ham are gone." Waht?!?!?!?!?!" "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." So the first task we should do is find the portal because if I am correct this is the last place the portal should bring us." Lets go kill the people that took the portal." Milo said" there is one problem." What." Milo said."I was doing this befor like 10 years ago so we have to defeat the king and queen dragon. where do we find them? in the big tall building right in front of us. a that is a big tower. Krunk the building was crumpling little by little. " Omg nathaniel it's crumpling you think we should still go in?" it is because the king and queen are getting ready to fight.
Milo and Nathaniel went in the crumbling tower of death and they heard some bolders moving. "Help help" milo and nathaniel heard from the bolders. Heeeeeeeeeewp they heard.nathaniel wondered who is that? Milo (suprosingly) ran over to the bolders and hosted them up. Thanks a bunch! Said the mysterious figure. It was bright neon green and hot pink. Foxish. Hey guys im Melon . I got transported here by a portal. Im not uesdto flying though the sky as a dragon, i came from the foxcaddog world.
so where there lots of cats and dogs in that world?!?!?!?!?!?? AND FOXES screamd melon. so do you guys what to slaaaayyye the king and queen dragons? or do you want to ask for the portal. I think we should ask for the portal and leave them to theor buisness. Said melon. Said milo. know we should leave them alone because if we kill them we may have the bandits after us. Said nathaniel the dragons will give us protection from them. I think we should just leave them alone, because they will leave us alone so we can get to our original worlds, so i can be a foxcaddog and you guys can be turtles.saidn melon. ok MR.KING DRAGON CAN WE HAVE THE PORTAL??? said nathaniel. The king dragon moved its head. melon jumped up and flew over to the queen dragon. EXCUSE ME MISS CAN WE HAVE TO PORTAL PLEZ. sure thing herya to. thanks Queen thanks so so so much. said Nathaniel. here we go in 3...2..1. badaboomwoosh. ok now we are ninjas.welcome to the tiylun viliage of ninjas IM blackfire.
The ninja of death. oh cool I have like a grayish suit and cool ninja sandals said melon.Ooo yaaa beef and ham your here i am so glad you guys are here. for some reason milo hellodesintegrated troight the portal and beef and ham took his place. whew said ham. milo is finally gone. Hum i wonder if declan is going to come in the portal and vist. I remember a figure who went by the name Declan. I think his other name was daarky, he came from another portal. Ham was all like cool but beef hated the ninja suit.so what should we do we can find shelter or find the portal or we can go murder some people what do you think we should do black fire.well murder is punishable by death and I know where the portal is so ya. How do you know where the portal is we jest got in to this dimension? Old legonds said that heroes who'd come from a portal and that the only whay they could get the portal is to climb to the top of a mountan that is 100000000000 mils tall.so where is this mountan you speak of? Past the pits of lava then through the forst of posin finaly you must beat the master of samurai. ok so when do we go and which path do we chose because there are 10 diffrent pathes! The one with flours that ,eat your heads But that is every path? The flowers that eat your heads that you should follow is the red ones. Ok but that leves us to two paths now.and they can breath fire. Ok lead the way because oveasly you know where your going."Cool I'm a ninja." Said Milo, "bad guys I'm ready for ya.!?. Wait wheres beef?"Beef Debra Ham and the others aree know where to be seen." So there Lost.". yes. so they went down the path"
"I'm hungry. ya got any food."."yes milo you can have some of my famos mac and cheese.". Oh yes please I like cheese. Wait I hear something."here you go and what do you here." Rustling from that bush." And points to the bush near by. Do you not want the mac and cheese anymore! "Yes I do but help us first or else we might DIE." Is the fire bringer of death.ley he's our gard and my pet. "Can I be the grass and poison ninja." natheniel." Sure i dont care but please tell me if my mac and cheese is good." "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. That's Gooda."Thank you black fire(Jarod)thought it tasted like a pile of poop."Guys we should go to a town to buy horses tomarow. There is know towns here it is jest the king samurai that will kill anyone that wants to buy a horse!!!!!!!
"I DONT CARE ABOUT THAT KING SAMURAI. I WANT TO MA FOR KIlLING MY MOMMA." I .Guys lets go get horses and fight the samurai king. !Who's with me." Me the dark ninja. I know I am and I can summon death houris that can't die said black fire. so are we going or not said black fire?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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