The Mix Up

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Hey, it's Uniqdreamer with another story. I'm finally back with another story. The story was written for a Halloween themed Ficfest on AO3.

After thinking about a Halloween theme, I got this sudden idea and just needed to write it down.

I hope you will like it.


In a world full of mythical creatures living beside the human beings, four schools distributed all over the world were created only for magicians. Schools filled with different kinds of magic based users like Witches, Warlocks, Shapeshifters, Potioneers and many more.

Many of the gifted people got sent to the school at the early age of ten. Some earlier or later. It all depended on the decision of the magician and the time when their magic bloomed..The schools aren't like the normal human schools. Aside from the mandatory subjects, like in the human schools, most of the classes are focused on the individual skills and powers.

In one of those four schools, two friends sneaked into one of their potion rooms. Not having the best intention at the late hour.

"Siyeon, are you really sure you know what you're doing ?" A brunette girl replied, looking nervously at her friend.

"Yes, don't worry Yoohyeon. I read the recipe and everything like a hundred times before I translated it and wrote it down," Siyeon answered, while she cut some bluish looking roots and added them to a small boiler specially designed for potion making.

"I just hope you know what you're doing. You literally found the potion recipe in one of the 'doomed books'. We are screwed if a teacher finds out. Like how did you even find the book? Aren't they all locked up somewhere?" Yoohyeon continued, nervous about the fact that they did something rather forbidden and dangerous at the moment.

"I know but really Yooh, it will be fine. I was rather lucky that Mr. Hwang called me after the potion class, to talk about me forgetting the homework again. He left for a while and I saw this book on his shelf. Maybe he wanted to add a letter to the collection of forbidden recipes? I honestly don't know how he could be so reckless, but you know me. I could never miss such a good opportunity when it's about potions."

Siyeon stopped for a second to add some powder to the brewing potion before she continued explaining to her friend what happened.

"At first I was just curious and just read over some potions, most of them in a language I don't know, until I found an Italian potion recipe. The potion was for creating a strong armor spell and you do know how much I need to pass the next ranking test. Handong managed to climb a rank higher and now I need to do the same. I don't want to hear my mom nagging and scolding me about my cousin's skills. This is why I'm doing this," the short blue haired witch explained, while reading over her notes again, ready for the next step brewing the potion.

Siyeon is from a three generation pure witch and warlock household. Sadly to the dismissals of her mother it seemed like her daughter didn't inherit the warriors skills and magic genes, how she hoped for. Her whole family served in the magic army as warriors or commanders. They were very known for that. There was only one grandfather Siyeon knew of who seemed to be a potioneer. He also served in the army but not like the rest of the family, he didn't fight in the front but rather supported them from the back with his potions. Siyeon's mother was rather furious and disappointed that her own daughter didn't seem athletic or gifted with weapon incantation like the rest of the family. Even more so when her own brother's daughter seemed to be very talented in this area. Siyeon didn't care about the fact that her cousin was better as a warrior, or that she was the black sheep in the family. She didn't only care about her rank but also tried to learn as much as she could but she still wanted to show her family that she can be successful, even as a potioneer. This is why the rank was more important to her than some other magicians.

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