Cole fights the Avengers

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When Cole tried to defeat the Avengers for the 1000th time, he caught in sight one of the infinity stones. "Yes, the reality stone," Cole said. The moment that he said that, Captain America punched his bloody face. "You again?" Cole asked. "The one and only," Cap said. "Tony I have the kid," said Cap, into his earpiece "I'm coming capsicle," Iron Man said, "Don't ever call me that again Tony, you know that!" "As you said 'it just slipped out,' Steve," said Tony with a smile. "That's not going away anytime soon" "Language Captain!" said Tony again, with a smile. As soon as the conversation was over, Cole asked "Are you guys done talking? You guys are annoying when you guys talk" Cole said, rolling his eyes. Steve punched his face again, then Tony came to them, "So what do you got, kid?" Cole punched his metal suit "That's all you got? Alright," Tony used his electric blasters on him. Cole fell and trembled as the blasters attacked him. "So now what?" Tony Stark asked, "We now know where to put him." said Steve Rogers

As Tony carried Cole to the Avengers tower, Black Widow was there to put him in a cage where he's going to meet another person in there that also fought Tony and Steve "Is this the boy?" Black Widow asked, "yes" said Tony, "Alright, here it goes" Black Widow slapped his face. Cole woke up. "What happened?" "You're coming with me," "And who are you, may I ask?" Cole said with a questioned face "My name is Natasha Romanoff, Natalia Romanoff, I am part of the Avengers and known as Black Widow so you may see me a lot fighting you alongside with Steve and Tony, and I am about to handcuff you...done" Cole looked at his hands, puzzled, "How did you do that so fast?" "I am recruited as a spy so, I have my ways, now let's go Cole" They both enter a room with a circled shaped jail cell. Inside the jail cell was a man.

"And who is this?" Cole said. "His name is Loki, we have been fighting him for years now and finally captured him, like you Cole. He came from a place that is called Asgard supposedly, and he is known as the mischief person, Loki has an older brother, Thor which your going to meet him soon since he checks on his brother every five minutes, you know like family things," "I don't have family" "neither do I, but at the same time I have this family right here, right now" "Ok we had enough chat Cole and you and I are running out of time so go in here and meet Loki, would you?" Cole entered the circle nervously, didn't want to meet this "mischievous" person but at the same time, he does. He entered the circle confident, 'wait,' he thought 'I have one more question for Nat' he quickly turned around "Hey Nat!" he saw nobody, except for Loki which he popped out his head on the side of him "Hello there, Cole" said Loki, with a smile "Geez you scared me you moron," "I'm sorry," Loki said with a laugh "My name is Loki and I know that your Cole" Loki examined him "You don't even look like a bad guy at all!" "Well I'm not supposed to be here in the first place," "I am not supposed to be here either, I'm supposed to be in Asgard right now, taking my brother's throne and be king" "Well that sounds like fun" Cole said "Oh it really is, if you don't loose in a battle with your brother" Loki said "Then why are you here then?" "I destroyed NYC that's why," "Oh right you're all over the news" "I am? Oh I feel special now that all of the people can see my glorious purpose that I am planning" "You sound like a catchphrase" Cole said, "But I do have a catchphrase though," "'What is it then?" "I am Loki, of Asgard, and I am burdened to glorify your glorious purpose" "Nice" Cole said

After a few conversations with Loki. Cole said, "This place is a dump! It reminds me of Circle Justice, which I hate that place, it stinks" "What is that now?" "It's where-" as soon as Cole was going to finish his sentence, a door opened, "Sorry Loki I couldn't check on you earlier I was having lunch with the Avengers" Thor said, "It's 5:00, brother" "Oh ya that's right, and who is that friend of yours?" "I'm Cole and me and Loki just met" "Oh the Avengers talked about you umm isn't your name Cole Mathews?" "I just said my name you moron" "Oh ya that's right, you make really good jokes," Thor said, "Brother, can you come in here for a second? I need to show you something." "ah yes of course brother" Cole hated that they called each other brother, it reminds him of his family. "Loki, I don't see anything" "Oh I thought it was a snake and I wanted to scare you know, like the old days" "Don't you remember that I love snakes?" "Oh silly old Loki lost his memory." Loki chuckled "Well brother, I wish I can talk to you more but Tony needs me to study your stick thing" "Alright brother, you go on and I will be here with Cole" Loki said. As soon as Thor left, Loki disappeared. Cole was surprised and frightened. "Umm Loki?" Cole asked. Loki was outside, opening the door for him "How did you get outside?" Cole said, as he walked outside. "I'll tell you later but right now we need to leave and be quiet too" "Hemidall, take us!!" "Where are you taking me?!" "Just be calm and close your eyes for right now" as soon as Loki said that, they went up to the sky. "AHHH!!!" Cole shouted, closing his eyes "Hang on!" Loki said. When they went up, the Avengers heard a loud thud "What was that?" Nat said "I'm going to check on what it is," said Hawkeye. Hawkeye checked on Loki and Cole. He quickly ran to The Avengers "Guys! They're gone" "I think I know where they went..." said Thor.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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