DOG and Kat

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Our story begins with a group of adventurers living in the medieval kingdom of Larion. The kingdom is filled with small villages and thatched cottages and has been relatively peaceful until now. The adventurers are on a quest to find the magical staff of Zalos. They walk through the forest and notice a band of mountain dwarves. The dwarves are friendly and offer them food and drink. Then one of the dwarves turns to them and gives them their own wooden sword. "Happy Dwarven New Year!" he says. The adventurers return the favor by giving the dwarves some of their food.Then one of the men notices a strange noise.󰜎 DOG investigates the strange noise.The adventurers walk along a forest path when a small furry creature appears in front of them. It has large black eyes and sharp claws. The adventurers are frightened and it squeaks again.󰜎 Kat stabs it with her wooden sword. DOG says "OMG IT'S SO CUTE CAN WE KEEP IT?"The adventurers kill the creature and start to skin it, which is when they realize how valuable this fur must be.This causes the adventurers to pause and think. How could they kill a cute furry creature? Then one of the men reaches down and scratches DOG behind its ears, and immediately the adventurers find this endearing. DOG says "owo"The men name the creature Dog. It's fur is so soft and luxurious. They start keeping Dog around as a pet. Months pass and the adventurers return from their quest with a magical staff.󰜎 DOG breaks the staff.DOG has grown to be a large and powerful creature. One night he kills one of the men in a drunken rage. The surviving adventurers decide that DOG must die. Kat says "what the fuck DOG" DOG says "FUCK DON'T KILL ME, KAT SAVE ME PLS\" The adventurers put DOG in a large cage to prevent him from killing them. Every night he desperately tries to escape his fate. The adventurers keep a log of DOG's actions. The adventurers agree and try to calm DOG. But instead he becomes more violent, destroying their home and killing one of them in the process. Eventually the remaining adventurers give in and kill him. after DOG dies the adventurers go on another journey into the dark forest and run into DOG again. Kat says "DOG??? I thought you were dead bruv"DOG looks very different now, like a demonic creature and he definitely has a different attitude. The adventurers try to talk to him, but he only growls in an animalistic way.󰜎 Kat growls back.󰜎 Kat growls back. A large group of hunters are headed the other way, and seeing how many firearms the hunters have, DOG and the adventurers think it might be a good idea to use him as a distraction. DOG has morphed into a much larger, demonic creature. The adventurers are scared and try to run away, but he opens the cage door and kills them all. DOG says "DOG NEVER DIES BABY I'M BACK AND I'M HERE FOR REVENGE"The hunters are confused when they hear a loud noise coming from the direction of the village. They go investigate and find their weapons, traps, and all their other gear completely destroyed. Their homes trashed as well. also Kat survived by using her totem of undying . The villagers and hunters blame the strange noise on DOG, a large demonic creature now inhabiting most of his body. They lock him up, but he manages to kill again and escapes. DOG says "FUCK YOU RANDOM ASS HUNTERS AND VILLAGERS"DOG begins to hunt down the villagers and has no problem finding them. He easily eats them and their children. Eventually the adventurers return home and have a large feast, celebrating their victory over the demons and beast. Kat says "DOG stop killing people so we can get out of this fucking nightmare"DOG is a permanent resident of the nearby village now. he is the largest predator and most dangerous creature in these lands. DOG is only one of two "beast" DOG says "WHO'S THE OTHER BEAST? CAN I MEET THEM?"The "beasts" are actually two demons that were trapped in a larger crypt of a much larger crypt. in there the adventurers meet a very large, muscular and dark skinned creature. Kat says "hot"The creature has large claws and fangs and looks very dangerous. The adventurers realize they aren't going to be able to defeat this creature on their own so they call for help. Kat says "hey bby you doin anything later?"The adventurers group up and start to fight the demon. Kat begins to take a liking to the demon. Eventually the adventurer's win, but during the battle the demon killed one of the adventurers and wounded another one. Kat says "damn i wanted to date the hot one"The wounded adventurer goes to the village to get help, he passes by DOG's cage. The demon has escaped and is now wandering the town. DOG goes to the other dead demon and revives them for Kat to date. She is indifferent until the demon reveals it killed the adventurer she liked. Kat says "lmao i never liked them anyways, annoying little prick"After the battle, the adventurers decide it's time to leave this shit hole. Kat says "freedom fucking finally"The adventurers leave the village and set off to parts unknown. Kat says "DOG what happened back there, u good bruv?"DOG looks at you with a blank face and says "good". You nod and head to the horses. Kat says "WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN "GOOD" ISNT A PROPER ANSWER"DOG looks at you and growls. You climb onto the horse and ride away from the village and DOG. You just hope he doesn't decide to go on a rampage. Kat says "damn bye bitch"DOG laughs and says "FUCK YOU" Kat says "damn what do i do now, i lost my only friend that kinda sucks lmao"You continue riding until nightfall. Under the moonlight you see a small cabin situated in the woods.󰜎 Kat breaks down the door with her axe.You dismount the horse and tell the beast to stay. You slowly approach the cabin and attempt to listen for any sounds inside. As you approach the door, you hear loud moaning coming from the inside. DOG is in the cabin, hung over and red from the sun. The adventurers inside are a group of mercenaries hired by a lord to patrol these lands, they're also complete degenerates. Kat says "can you teleport how the fuck do you travel so fast, DOG"DOG looks at you with one eye and growls. The adventurers are holding several women captive. They're hurting them and forcing them to work. Kat says "lmao i love the employees you got here"The male adventurers are also taking what they call "trophies" of the women they've enslaved. The mercenaries themselves look rather normal, but you wonder how they can function in this heat.󰜎 DOG is not the best employee.DOG is drinking heavily and becoming more aggressive. He destroys one of the adventurers' tents and kills several of their pack mules for food. Kat says "stop murdering people and drinking "You tell DOG to stop his destructive behavior. The adventurers reluctantly agree to let you join them. You become their unofficial leader since you're the only one that can communicate with the beast. DOG says "NAH FAM I'M GOOD"DOG starts drinking even more and you have to stop him from killing the rest of the party. The adventurers get paid, they leave the camp, and the women are liberated. Kat says "DOG you used to be so nice whats wrong b u d d y"You tell DOG to stop drinking and he responds by rolling his eyes. The adventurers return to their lord, the women are set free, and good triumphs over evil. You're Never Getting Off This Road. DOG says "SFBSGBAEGBSAG"󰜎 Kat smacks the drink out of DOGs hands and aggressively barks.You're out of here and you never have to play DOG ever again. You continue down the road and eventually reach the Welcome Mat. It's been a long time since you've been here. The owner is an old classmate of yours. DOG says "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS???"You tell him you know each other. He says he remembers you, though you wouldn't necessarily remember him. He goes on to say his name and that his mother always told him not to talk to strangers.󰜎 Kat stabs her old classmate, the owner of the Welcome Mat because they bullied her and she doesn't like them.You say you're not a stranger and that he shouldn't let them run things all the time.󰜎 Kat stabs him again.You ask the owner to help you stop the gang that runs things here.󰜎 Kat doesn't. DOG says "HEY YOU STRANGER, FUCK OFF"You ask him again and this time he tells you to go wait outside, he'll be with you in a minute. The owner shuts the door and you realize he doesn't recognize you.You find a seat and wait for someone to help you. After several minutes of sitting by yourself, an old woman approaches and asks what you would like.󰜎 Kat stabs and kills the owner.She looks like the sort that won't be happy if you get in her way. You order an ale and tell the woman you'll be right with you.󰜎 Kat stabs and kills the woman.You drink your ale and wait for the owner to come out.󰜎 Kat kills the owner.You try to pay for your drink, but the woman behind the bar tells you that's not how they do things here. As you're leaving a fight breaks out next to you. DOG says "DAMN WE'VE BOTH GONE TO THE PATH OF ALCOHOL"Fighting breaks out at the bar and you see that your original idea was a bit short sighted. You run out of the bar and notice that several of the people in this town are walking with a limp.󰜎 Kat nukes the town but she makes sure that DOG and ME get out safely. DOG says "WHY ARE THEY ALL FUCKING INGURED? I HAVEN'T ATTACKED THEM"You run to the only place you think you can lose your assailants, the local whore house. Unfortunately, you don't get far. You turn around and it's a whole new pack. You pull out your pistol and manage to kill one, before they rip the pistol from your hand and stab you.󰜎 Kat doesn't care because it affects no one else apparently.One of them stabs you in the throat and you collapse to the ground. You're dead. Kat says "im sorry DOG guess im dead lol"Nope you're not dead enough.󰜎 DOG says fuck DOG and kills the bot reviving Kat.DOG kills the bot and then kills you again causing you to bleed from the eyes and choke to death on your own blood. You're dead. Kat says "why bro" DOG says "BRO I TRIED TO REVIVE YOU WHAT THE FUCK"You're dead. DOG tries to revive you, but the damage is severe. You're dead. Kat is dead. You're dead. Good game. GG. DOG goes on another adventure and comes to a h o u s e with a FOR RENT sign. DOG takes up residence. The End. DOG says "GUESS I MOVED ON FROM Kat'S DEATH, DAMN. OKAY, I SEE HOW IT IS BOT"DOG goes on to say that he doesn't care that he's being a hypocrite and that he doesn't know when to stop because every time he finds a groove in his life something screws him over. But it's not the end because DOG meets a person named Fox. DOG and Fox become friends. Meanwhile in the void... You can't escape the void. This is the end. It's not the end because we aren't near the void. DOG decides to talk to Fox. Why? We don't know. But it's what DOG decides to do next that is important. DOG says "HI BRUV WHO ARE YOU?"DOG talks to a person that nobody else can see. It's weird, we know. Still though, this is the same as talking to a real person and it's really all DOG has left. Kat says "i'm Fox OwO who awe youw??"You're out of bullets. You pull out your knife and consider stabbing yourself in the throat to end your life, but suicide is considered pretty low. Kat says "youw bewing kwind of sussy"DOG and Kat make a suicide pact. Somehow it works. Kat says "iwm not kwat so i cawnt die sowwy"DOG shakes his head and runs his hands through his hair. Why? We don't know, but it's pretty sad. DOG leaves the scene. Kat says "Come back or perish." DOG says "OK"DOG doesn't. Kat is dead. You're left alone to rot in the forest. Good riddance.DOG returns to the scene and kneels beside you, he starts to perform CPR on you. An odd moment passes. You're healed. You look up at DOG and say "Thank you."󰜎 Kat : So, why'd Kat kill Kat lmao.DOG holds up his hands. "I didn't do shit." We're not exactly sure what he means, but the situation is resolved. Kat says "This situation is not resolved."DOG sighs. "I know it isn't bro." DOG doesn't do anything. DOG says "I TRIED TO REVIVE YOU BUT I KILLED YOU??" Kat says "So why'd you go evil and start killing everything and then kill me lmao"DOG starts to laugh. "Lololol your life is so sad." It's true. You both leave the scene. The End. DOG throws a rock at you. "I was already evil and I was already killing things." DOG lets the rock hit your head. "Then what's your excuse?" Kat says "i was always evil too lmao"DOG throws another rock. "Go die." He throws a third one. "Bye." DOG leaves. The End. But it wasn't the end. A hand reaches out of the void and takes you away from this world. THE VOID ISN'T REAL KAT IS JUST HAVING A SCHIZOPHRINEA EPISODE. Kat says "THE VOID IS COMING TO KILL ME AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" DOG says "BRO CALM DOWN WHAT THE FUCK"You wake up from your sleep. It's dark. You need to get up. You can't possibly sleep here. You wake up. You're back in your room. Everything seems the same, but you know its not. The sensation you get after a bad trip on shrooms? Kat says "damn another weird dream? guess everything wasnt real and DOG was also just part of the dream couldn't possibly be real in any way nope nope"You go back to sleep. You have another dream where you're walking in a forest. DOG says "SUP BITCH"You wake up again. It's dark. You look out your window. You see a shadow. The shadow disappears. There is no one outside. You're awake now, there could be someone outside though. Kat says "is there a hot woman outside my room? 😳" THE SHADOW OUTSIDE IS DOG. You go to the window and open it. DOG ROARS. Shit. Now he's pissed. You think about fighting back, but you aren't sure you'd win. You get up and get dressed. As you look out your window, a figure stands at the bottom. You can't see who it is, but you hear a voice. "Heeeeeeey..." Kat says "who are you"THE PERSON AT THE END OF THE STREET DOESN'T ANSWER. You lean out the window and shout. "Who are you?" "I'm your new best friend." DOG says "I'M REAL"THE MAN GRINS. You don't recognize this man. This is odd, since you always recognize everyone. "What's your name?" "Kenny." "Well Kenny, who are you?"󰜎 Kat begins throwing bricks at DOG.You grab a piece of concrete, break it off and throw it at DOG. "Stop that!" your mom yells, waking you up. You quickly put on your clothes and get downstairs. Kat says "hello M O T H E R""What is it dear?" "There's a monster outside..." Your mom cautiously checks the door while you go outside to investigate. No one's there. You go back inside and tell your mom.󰜎 Kat stabs and kills her mother."Who's there!" your mom yells. "Let me out!" You don't respond. "I'm your mother!" "Y...yeah." "What?" "Yeah, mom." DOG says "WHAT KIND OF CREEPYPASTA SHIT IS THIS?"You take a deep breath and face the beast. "What's wrong?" "This isn't real." "Oh..." "I don't like this." You grab her hand.󰜎 Kat stabs her mother a total of 420 times, causing her heart to explode and her brain to explode and her body to explode so shes very very dead.You turn around to see that DOG has gone. "Shit." You go inside and lay down, staring at the ceiling. Kat says "DOG come here i want to murder more people" DOG says "OKAY"Your eyes flutter open. You have no idea how long you sleep for, but you awaken to the sun shining through your window. You groggily sit up, rubbing your eyes.DOG materializes at your bedroom door. "What?" "I'm the new you. Now come on out." DOG opens the door. You get up. Kat says "is this a dream""No." "Is this a nightmare?" "Maybe." You walk outside. DOG stands there. You look at yourself. Same clothes, same hair, same eyes.󰜎 Kat : Kat told themself out Kat's window that's on the third story."I'm on the third story." "I know." "So?" "So what?" "Come on, I'll show you around." You follow DOG around the back of the house.󰜎 Kat pushes DOG out the window."Why are you so damn heavy!" You look down. "I'm not." "Don't fuck with me!" "I'm not fucking with you!"󰜎 Kat drops an anvil on DOGs head."OW FUCK! That hurt!" "Sorry." "pray to God that that thing isn't real and this is just your nightmare" "I'm not religious." "Then fuck you and..." Kat says "and what pussy" DOG says "AND WHAT?""What?" "Nothing, but you could use some of the powers of God to get out of here." You think for a moment. "How hard would it be to push me out of a building?""AND WHAT!" DOG looks at you. You grab your head and stretch it to the side, staring up at him. "I love you!" "What?" "I LOVE YOU!" DOG says "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED THE OTHER DEMON? WHAT IS HAPPENING? HUH???? WHAT FEVER DREAM IS THIS????" Kat says "im poly lmao""I'm poly lmao." "WHAT!" "I'm a multi-millionare and I have loads of money and power!" "I don't believe you." Kat says "this is my dream ill be what i want fuck you""This is my dream and I'll be what I want. Fuck you!" DOG slams a fist into your stomach. "DAMN IT! Stop that!" You double over in pain.󰜎 Kat stabs DOG before dying from pain."Will you SHUT UP!?!?!" You fall to the ground. You hear DOG scream in pain. "No... I don't think I will..." The world turns black. Kat is dead and it's DOGs fault. It's all his fault. Everything that happened today is his fault. You blame him for everything, you hate him and you curse him with every ounce of your being. even though you said you loved him a few minutes ago, you now hate him with every fiber of your being. i don't understand how that's possible but there it is. it's because kat has really bad mood swings and has real depression issues that's why she killed herself and it was all DOGS fault You've never felt so guilty in your life and you need to make this right, somehow. DOG decides to end themselves too, this story has been a crackhead fever dream shit hole. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. THE END (for real this time)

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