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I am Yang Jia, a 16 year, the daughter of  Yang Donghyun, an extremely wealthy business man and Jeong Hyerim, a very successful doctor. I am the middle child in our family, I have one older brother named,Seojin, who is 19, and a younger brother named Siwoo, who is 12 (I am going to use the international ages). I despise both of them because I get treated differently from them. My parents usually give them all the love but I am what you call a 'forgotten child'. You see, when my brothers have a birthday, they plan an extravagant party with many quest. They give my brothers big gifts and a huge cake. But when I have my birthday, they plan nothing, absolutely nothing. However, my friends always plan something great.

I have never gotten any time for fun. Even though, I have everything, something is definitely missing. I am packing my stuff because I have to move soon. You may be thinking where and why I am moving. Well, let me answer it now. I am moving to Eastwood, a very prestigious and wealthy place. I am moving because my dad is in hope of expanding the business. Which, does not really matter for me. But, I have to leave my friends behind, which I was extremely worried about.

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