Chapter five

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Bobby couldn't believe his ears and figured that he had heard Sam's words incorrectly, there was no way that the dog that was barking at him was Dean.

"I know I'm getting old but I must need to get my hearing checked because I swear I just heard you say that Dean is a dog," Bobby said to Sam. At the sametime Dean attempted to scratch the couch to make his point but Sam held him back.

"Dean stop, you can't do that," Sam scolded but Dean kept pulling.

"I need to make my point Sammy!" Dean called back. Bobby watched the scene and wondered if Sam had lost it or was drunk, he asked Sam if he was okay which the younger Winchester replied he was fine. "I know how this looks but I'm not crazy, that is Dean he was infected by a skinwalker," Sam explained. "I didn't know until recently because he transformed by accident and doesn't know how to change back, look at his neck if you don't believe me," he continued. Bobby took a glance at the shiba's neck and saw the Samulet which he knew that Dean always wore, so it had to be him.

"Balls!" Bobby yelled out once he finally understood what had happened.

"Ball, where is the ball?" Dean asked, searching around the messy room for a ball. Sam felt he was being pulled again only this time Dean was biting onto the leesh.

"Dean pull yourself together and stop acting like a dog," Sam said to his brother. "Bobby I think something is causing the infection to work differently," he explained once Dean finally stopped misbehaving. "Every other victim we've talked to has amnesia so I think the alpha is using some kind of serum when he infects someone else," he finished. Dean barked in agreement.

"I can see what you mean boy," Bobby responded. "As far as I know a normal skinwalker infection doesn't cause amnesia," he continued. Sam was going to respond but then Dean began whining.

"What's wrong Dean?" Sam asked.

"This is so humiliating," he commented. "I keep having these weird urges and then my head burns," Bobby asked how in the world he was able to understand Dean. Sam doesn't say anything other than that it was a long story. He briefly let go of Dean's leash so he could ask Bobby if he knew what they could do. But the second he did, Dean ran off trying to open the door.

"Not again!" Sam exclaimed running to stop Dean from getting out. Bobby helped as well and Dean growled.

"The alpha is nearby, I can hear him," Dean said. "Let me get him,"

"What did he say?" Bobby asked, confused by Dean's reaction.

"The alpha is nearby and he wants to go fight him," Sam responded. He didn't think Dean should go anywhere until he figured out how to control his transformations. Not to mention they needed to find out if Dean had been exposed to the serum when the skinwalker infected him, that seemed to be likely since Dean became more canine every hour. It scared him as he didn't want Dean to end up forgetting who he was or anything that mattered to him. There had to be some way to know for sure, or at least to counter the effects of the serum. "Wait I've got it, Bobby grab a sample of Dean's fur," Sam said, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"No you're not taking anymore of my fur," Dean protested.

"I'm guessing he didn't like that," Bobby guessed and Sam nodded. "Well I for one don't care, we need to figure this out,"

At the sametime the alpha skinwalker had changed into his human form and was experimenting with a liquid form of Benzodiazepine, it was usually used to help someone forget a traumatic experience. However he mutated it so that it would cause someone to slowly start losing their memory of being human. Whenever he had plans to infect someone instead of eating their hearts he made sure to inject himself with the serum so that he could pass it on. So far he had managed to infect a hunter and that was his greatest accomplishment by far. If he could just infect Dean with the serum a second time, then the hunter would become savage, just like all of his other victims.

"This is going to be fun," He said to himself. Back at Bobby's house, Bobby had been busy trying to figure out how to help Dean, as he was going through his books he stumbled across something that he knew might help.

"I've got it," Bobby said. "The only way for that Amnesia or something to pass from alpha to victim would be if he injected it into himself," he kept going. "There is a way to combat against that,"

"Bobby, tell me please," Sam said worriedly.

"If we can get Dean to transform back to his human state before the serum gets worse," Bobby explained. "Then the Serum will have no affect on him at all,"

"That makes sense," Sam said as he tied his brother on a door handle. "All the previous victims couldn't transform back or did not know how and the longer they stayed in their dog form the worse it got," Sam turned toward his brother. "Well Dean looks like we got some work to do,"

"It better not involve plucking anymore of my fur," Dean said. "Can you get me off this handle little brother please?"

"Don't worry," Sam said. "None of your fur will get pulled,"

"Good," Dean said as Sam untied Dean and took the leash off him. Bobby and Sam made sure to double check the doors and windows or any crevices that Dean could get through.

"One other thing Dean," Bobby said even though he couldn't understand Dean. "If you try to escape we're locking you in the panic room,"

"Fine," Dean responded even though he really did not want to do it. Plus it might have been a way for Sam to get his revenge on his brother for locking him in once. 

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