Your the Best Dad Ever

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"Dad I just want to thank you for like everything. Mom was a life saver durring my pregnancy but I miss you." I filled a bottle with formula and water before placing it in the cup of warm water. I could hear my dad typing on his laptop.

"Hun you are always welcome back."
I smiled and glanced at Charlotte who was sleeping in her swing with ,Baby Einstein playing on the tv in front of her.

"I'll tell you what, I will have the company private jet come and get you and charlie. And you can lay low for a while." The typing stopped and I could visually see my dad leaning back in his leather chair.

"Thanks I really need this but moms gonna miss me." I eyed the picture of Charlotte and my mother at the hispital the same day she was born and switched the phone to my other ear. "I will have to come and see her more often."

"Not a problem bun."

"All right I'll let you go back to work."
"Thanks bun I'll see you soon."

"You to. Bye."

"Mmm bye."

The line went dead and as if on cue Charlotte woke up and screamed for her bottle her tiny shrieks echoed through the rooms.

I wiped off the bottle with the kitchen toewel and padded over to the swing. Unstrapping a very irritated charlie I bring her up to my chest and place the bottle between her lips careful to support her small head.

I can not wait to see my dad and be back home in beverly hills instead of San Francisco. My mom took great care of me but I have some unfinished business I need to take care of.

And no way in hell is it going to be easy. . .

I got off the private jet and lugging Charlotte and her heavy car seat I made my way to baggage claim.

"Daddy!" I called as he was talking to his driver Isaac.

"Hey bun!"

I strapped Charlie's seat into the car and gave my dad a huge hug. "I missed you so much ." I crawled into the expensive black range rover.

My dad gave Charlotte a big smile and tickled her small red feet. "Hey you!; he gushed "your a cutie"

Her dark hair had a bow and she sported a pastel pink onezie. She gurgled happily and waved her arms


"Home sweet home!" I say brrating the faint smell spices and lavender.

My dads beverly hills mansion has been my home since I was nine years old. My dad had hired becca his interior designer to create a room for Charlotte. The walls we a soft pink and all the furniture was white. Perfect I thought. Laying a sleeping Charlie in the white barred crib I wondered what I was going tell him. Or even how.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2015 ⏰

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