Chapter 1 - Packing the bags

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- I'm really tired! -Kara talks entering her apartment while taking off her shoes and heading towards the couch exhausto -Spelled the same move on the couch

Mon-El laughed as he watched the scene with his baby blue toothpick in his arm

- I still have to pack my things tomorrow!

- Why don't you do it later? Alex and Kelly won't be back until next week - Says the man beside her on the couch

- Yes, but I want to get everything ready soon! -Kara finally sits down and starts watching her apartment - I'll miss here...

- Also... I had a lot of moments here, especially with your bathroom - They both laugh as they remember the mess Mon-El made in Kara's bathroom

- You still owe me a new toilet! - Speak putting a lock of hair behind her ear

- Sure, but no etiquette lessons. I've learned enough - She laughs again

- Deal!

- Well... I need to go. Tomorrow if you want I'll be here to help you put your things away - He stands up looking at her still sitting

- Okay, thank you! - She smiles looking at him and gives a sigh returning to look at the floor

Mon-El takes one last look at her and walks to the door when the blonde calls him. He turns to her who was a few steps away from him.

- Well... Me - She says approaching him, getting a few inches between the two - Damn it!

Kara kisses him, at first Mon-El is surprised, sooner he responds to the blonde's desire and the kisses start to get more intense. The legionnaire drops his jacket and pulls her closer to him, grabbing her waist as they slowly walk to the sofa

She holds your shoulder with one hand and with the other your face and immediately the memories come back, the smiles appear and the butterflies in the stomach take their place again. And in the background the music we first heard 4 years ago pops back into our ears as the clothes are tossed aside


Another day started in Nacional City, once again the sun appeared through the clouds and illuminated the buildings of the city. A small fresh wind cooled the citizens who were on their way to work, the children who went to school and the dogs that played in the parks.

The sun illuminated the couple in bed who continued to hold each other warm in the soft sheets. The serene and peaceful faces after a very spicy night

The first to wake up was Kara, still getting used to the light and soon feeling her body being embraced by warm, strong arms. She looks up and sees him, serene and unconcerned and a smile breaks across her face, she kisses her chin which makes the same smile with the act

- Long awake? - Says smiling as he ran his hand over his face

- No, I woke up now - Speaks smiling - We could stay here until tomorrow, don't you think?

- Maybe I'll fix it up later - Snuggles in your bare chest

- Well, I don't care about that, so...-He starts kissing her face making her laugh, but it doesn't last long

- Kara, we're here! Are you awake? - Nia enters the apartment next to J'onn

- Damn it! - Says Kara who uses her super speed along with Mon-El to change quickly and soon find the two in the room

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