Party at the Kamisato Estate

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Ayaka and her brother had invited you to a victory party, celebrating everyone who helped emancipate the Fatui from Inazuma. Feeling rather fancy that evening, it was time to wear something other than your combat clothes. Whilst walking through the city, you set your eyes on an outfit that suited your tastes and immediately bought it. There was an hour left until the party but thankfully you were able to get ready quickly. "Paimon! It's time to go, let's hurry up if you don't want all the food to be gone by the time we get there." That statement alone was able to give Paimon an energy boost and you both were able to make it just on time.

Being greeted by everyone felt like such an honor, especially by the infamous Kamisato siblings. Ayaka had pulled you aside from her brother "Im glad you were able to make it Traveler. Thank you so much for the help you've provided to the clan and the people of Inazuma. Please, treat yourself to the Inazuman delicacies over in the middle of the room and enjoy the views by the courtyard." Hearing that, Paimon did a small flip in the air and floated away. Letting her eat to her heart's content, you thanked Ayaka quickly and  slipped away from her before she started making conversation with you. She had a knack of talking on and on. You loved that she was comfortable with you but sometimes it was a bit too much to take in. Today you just wanted to relax after all the fighting you had to deal with.

Walking towards the courtyard, you see a familiar face, the motion of the wind outside guiding you to him. His silky white hair framing his soft eyes while he looked out into the ocean, the sun almost setting. It was perfect. Kazuha always captivated you. His delicate features were so beautiful to you. Although you've met many beautiful and attractive people in the past, no one compared to Kazuha. At this point Kazuha noticed someone staring at him from the corner of his eye. "Oh, (y/n)! I didn't notice you were there, my apologies." Your cheeks were dusted with light pink; the way he said your name gave you butterflies. It rolled off his tongue perfectly. Ever little detail of him was perfect.

Finally you break away from your trance and walk towards him. "Ah yeah, it's alright, it's not like I said anything to grab your attention. So, what are you doing out here?" He hummed and crossed his arms, looking out into the sea once again. "I appreciate being invited but I'm not the sort of person who enjoys the rowdy parties, despite my friendship with Beidou. Not being able to decline, I just plan on spending most of my time out here where I can enjoy the beautiful view." Right when he says that last bit, he secretly glances at you, not knowing you were already looking at him. Both of you immediately look away. Laughing sheepishly, you agree with him. "I understand. After all the combat we've done in Inazuma, I just want to relax and take it easy until some other world crisis comes up." Catching the little joke you made at the end, Kazuha chuckles softly.

He turns to look at you and grabs your hand, making your heart skip a beat. "Come on, follow me." He swiftly drags you away from the party and stop somewhere behind the Kamisato estate. "Hang on tight." Lifting you up carefully into his arms, you put your arms around his neck, taking in a faint scent of sweet maple. He uses his anemo vision to float down towards a small hill next to a big tree, kitsune statues placed on the edge. The both of you sit down near the edge and that's when you clearly see the beautiful sunset. It looks even more beautiful now that you were seeing it closer towards the sea. Staring in awe, you don't even notice the piece of hair that slipped out of place. "Ah.." Thats all you hear Kazuha say when you turn your head, his hand settling down on your sun kissed cheek. You both stay like that for a few seconds, feeling the warmth of his calloused hands. "Ah well you see, your hair.. I was trying to tuck it behind your ear. It must get in the way right? Haha.." Kazuha desperately tried to save himself, feeling more embarrassed by every passing second until...

You place your hand on top of his and gently shake your head. "No it's ok." You say while basking in his delicate touch. "Let's stay like this. Can we?" Surprised, Kazuha pulls his hand away, "Ah well, um, wouldn't it be more comfortable if we sat closer..?" At first you thought Kazuha was pushing you away since he retracted his hand but thankfully that wasn't the case at all. Moving in closer, both of your shoulders touch each other's. Maybe it was the atmosphere, maybe it was the sunset, maybe it was the fact that Kazuha let you come closer but you suddenly had a spark of confidence course through you. His hand was right there laying on the grass next to him, it made you think how it'd be better if it was resting in yours.

Your hand inched little by little towards his. At this point, pinkies touching. You feel Kazuha flinch at the sudden contact and glances down. Both of your hearts beat unison like a lovely melody. Finally, you slide your hand under his, fingers intertwining without any resistance. The two of you felt so comfortable in each other's presence, basking in the little light that remained. "Kazuha.." he turned slightly to look at you. "..yes? What is it (y/n)?" He sounded nervous but expectant. "I've fought alongside you multiple times and we've also trained together. You're so strong and kind.. at first I thought it was just admiration as I've never felt like this before but.." You completely turn your body towards him, grabbing his other hand in the process. "I really, really, really like you."

It felt as if the world stopped moving. At that moment, the sunlight was fading and the stars were coming out from their hiding. The moonlight that shined down fell delicately upon Kazuha's features. The darkness didn't help cover up his tinted cheeks as he had just received a heartfelt confession. Breath hitched in his throat, he swallowed hard and stared at the grass below. "..please take care of me.." Kazuha whispered. "I'm sorry? I didn't quite catch what you said." He stared back into your (e/c) sparkling eyes. "I..! I like you too.. a lot, so.. please take care of me.." Your eyes widened slightly, and your face turned into a flushed disaster. "Ah, yes, I will!" The both of you embrace into a tender hug, losing balance and falling onto the grass. Happy laughter resonating in the silence of the night.

Sitting back up, Kazuha leans closer, the atmosphere now seeming more serious and intimate. Kazuha stared at your lips, then back towards your eyes as if looking for permission. You then closed your eyes. That was all the confirmation he needed. Placing his lips on yours, he dragged his hand alongside your neck, placing it right under your ear, cupping your jaw. The both of you shared a heartfelt kiss, Kazuha's hands intertwining in your hair as the kiss went deeper and deeper, only pulling away for a couple seconds to get some air. It was like as the both of you waited for this day to come. When the two could be in each other's embrace. Finally pulling away, you settle down on his chest as you both lay on the grass, his hand gently stroking your head. You could just fall asleep like this until you hear someone calling your name.

"Oh no, I left Paimon by herself!" Sitting up, you swipe off the small specks of dirt laying on your clothes. Helping Kazuha up, you start apologizing. "I'm sorry Kazuha, I wish we could've stayed like this longer but I left Paimon all by herself this evening and I feel terrible." He shakes his head. "No it's alright, you don't have to worry about a thing, but next time, meet me at the edge of Amakane Island... by yourself. Does that sound like a plan?" Was he... asking you out on a date? You agreed immediately. "Yes of course, I'd love to! Just tell me the day and I'll be there." The both of you head back up to the Kamisato estate but before you reached the front of the estate to meet up with Paimon, Kazuha stops you.

He cups your face gently and pulls you in for another kiss, this time it only lasted a few seconds. "I know you're capable but, please get back home safely. Ok?" His kindness warmed your heart and you nodded. "Yes I will, thank you. Please take care of yourself as well. Goodnight Kazuha." Embracing each other once more, you finally head out to find Paimon.

"(Y/n)! Where were you this whole time? I was enjoying the food and pastries so I was ok but still..." Paimon kicked her leg in the air next to you. "I was just enjoying my time elsewhere Paimon." You chuckle softly but she just looked at you in confusion.


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