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Here starts the story of a young boy...

There once was a little family who lived in a small village called Minecraftia...the little family had a nice home on the edge of the village...their house was not big but not small, it was a nice and cozy home...that a beautiful couple lived...the couple had been married for 4 years and had two sons...the oldest, Karl, who was 8, and the youngest, Iris, who was born only a year ago...the family had a happy life...the village was peaceful...and it was small that everyone knew each you could walk around freely without having to worry about kidnappers or thieves...the village had been peaceful for the last ten day the village was attacked by raiders...they killed everyone in sight and stole everything...about half an hour after the raiders left the lord Notch appeared...he looked at all his creations dead on the was silent until "crying" Notch looked around everywhere for what was crying...until...he found a baby boy who was laying under a piece of wood...he had a few scratches but other than that he was fine...Notch took him home and cared for him...he even gave him a name, "Steve" since he didn't know the boy's original name...

(5 years later)

After about 5 years it was Steves sixth birthday and all he ever wished for was another boy to play with...Notch saw how much Steve wanted this so he took Steve to a small village called demon village, no it wasn't cursed or anything like that, it was just the name the people chose...once Notch got to the village he took Steve to a house in the middle of the village by a lake...before Notch knocked on the door he turned and knelled down to Steve saying"I'm going to leave you here for a week with a good friend of mine, she will take care of you, oh and she has an eight-year-old son who you can play with, and please behave...Steves blue-purple eyes lit up with joy and he nodded...Notch knocked on the door and soon after a woman opened the door and greeted them...she let Steve in then walked out of the house and shut the door to talk with Notch...Steve really wanted to see this boy and play with him...he walked around the house and found the living room, there was a boy sitting on the floor with his back to Steve...Steve ran over to the boy and tapped his shoulder, the boy turned to look at Steve and just sat there staring at him with his pure white eyes...Steve spoke first saying, hi I'm Steve, what's your name? tears started forming in the boy's eyes as he got up and ran to the door yelling mom...the woman opened the door and picked the boy up trying to calm him down...after he calmed him down she asked him what happened, he didn't say anything just hugged this time Steve had come over to the door to see what happened...the woman thought he might just be tired so she brought him to his room and put him down for a nap...after she finally got him to fall asleep she went back to the door and picked Steve up...they both said bye to Notch as he teleported away...she shut the door and told Steve her name "Linda" she walked over to the living room still holding Steve...she sat him on the floor and gave him one of the other boy's toys to play with then sat on the couch...after about an hour the boy came out of his room and ran over to his mom and started crying again once he saw Steve...his mom picked him up and asked what was wrong, he just looked at her not answering the question...once she got him to stop crying she signaled for Steve to come over, once Steve got over to them she helped him on the couch and said "Steve this is Hero, Hero this is Steve, he will be staying with us for the week...oh and Hero can you say happy birthday to Steve, he turned six today" "h-happy b-birthday" Hero said shyly...Steve just smiled then hugged him, Hero seemed surprised by this but then hugged back...after that they seemed to get along pretty well...they would play together for hours each day...time flys quick, before they knew it Steve had to leave tomorrow, and it was already night, and they had to go to bed, but tonight Steve snuck out of his room and went in Heros room, once he got in he went over to Heros bed and got in under the covers and cuddled with Hero...then next morning when Linda went to wake up Hero she found Steve sleeping with him...she couldn't help but smile as she woke them up and told them there were pancakes in the kitchen...they jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen and sat at the table, once Linda got to the kitchen she gave them each a plate with two pancakes and syrup...after they were done eating they went to the living room to play before Notch got there...after about 5 minutes there was a knock at the door, Linda went to answer it and when she opened the door Notch was there to take Steve home, "boys come here please" Linda said, making sure to say it loud enough for them to hear...the boys ran over to the door and got sad when they saw Notch, knowing Steve had to go home..."I don't want to go home, I want to stay" Steve said in a whiney voice..."Steve, say goodbye we need to go home" Notch said...Steve just looked at Notch mad, "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" he screamed..."Steve, stop this, we need to go home" Notch said raising his voice a little, knowing Steve was still young and doesn't understand his behavior...after that Steve threw a tantrum, he was kicking and screaming as Notch picked him up, Notch said goodbye to Linda and Hero and also thanked Linda for watching Steve, she nodded and told him to have a good day...once Notch got home he took Steve who was still screaming and kicking him, to his room, "Hey, calm down, I think you need a timeout young man" Notch said as he put Steve in his crib...yes Steve slept in a crib at home because he always gets out of bed and makes a mess of things..."NOOoo" Steve said whining again..."I'll be back in a bit to check on you"Notch said before he left the room...about 10 minutes went by and Notch went to check on Steve who had fallen asleep "I love you, Steve" Notch said quietly as he kissed Steves cheek...

(1153 words, damn, I hope you liked the first chapter of my 4th story lol, please let me know what you think of it down in the comments, I love you all)

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