It was nearing winter and Riley was terrified. For Riley winter was unbearable because it was flu season, and worst of all was that she had a very vulnerable immune system. She was definetly not looking forward to it, espicially what happened when you sneezed or coughed, it was all horrible and she wished it could be skipped.
Riley pranced down the hallways anticipation to get home quickly, it was friday, hallelujah. She swung onto the bus and hopped down onto an open seat next to her friend Liam who loved winter despite the colds. They talked about what they would do over the weekend and their preperstions for winter as it was racing towards them eager to come.
"Hey honey, how was school?" Greeted her mom. "It was fine but 9 days away is you know what" she answered back. "Let's hope we make it through this year I dont know what I would do if we didn't" said her mother relizing what was coming up. With that Riley went upstairs to her room.
When she walked in she glanced around at all the stuff she had gotten out to prepare herself for the "deathly times". There was a face mask, and odd tissues, and all sorts of other tools.The rest of the days seemed to fly by as Riley checked them off the calander up to december 21st which was all blacked out with pen and shunned apon.
It was here, Winter has come.