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This story is dedicated to Kenya (@kenya_sm6) 💕

It was pretty much a normal day for Isabel, go to the gym, make the daily tiktoks, crush on girls, pretty basic. It was a Friday night and her siblings requested that she picks up their salads tonight from Veggie Grill since it was always the boys doing it. She agreed to this no problem and walked out of her apartment to go pick it up, the Veggie Grill wasn't too far really just less than a mile so walking was easy, also nothing wrong with going on a walk right?

Isabels converse making sound on the sidewalk of LA as she headed on over to get the food. This is about the 60th time she's ate from Veggie Grill but somehow it never got old. She pushed open the door and walked up to the counter. "Pickup for Duane." Since their dad ordered the food it was under his name. "Of course, would you be able to wait at least 5 minutes? We're still preparing your meal, sorry about that ma'am." The worker apologized. "Oh no it's okay haha!" Isabel reassured even though she was starving. She sat down at an open table waiting for her food to be done when she looked up and saw someone who caught her eye, an absolutely gorgeous woman with long brown hair and beautiful hooded green emerald like eyes. She looked down and smiled slightly "God she's beautiful," She thought to herself. Isabel never makes the first move but who knows this could be the one and only time she sees this girl. She debated on if doing this was the right choice or not then decided.

She nervously stood up and walked over to her, smiled and then said "Hey! Is it okay if I get your number? You're so pretty." She said quickly then paused. "Oh I'm Isabel by the way haha." At this point she was shaking in fear, never has she been this confident before. The girl looked up and smiled back. "Of course you can and thank you, Isabel is such a gorgeous name!" Isabel laughed in a anxious but happy way. "Order for Duane" A worker called. Isabel perked up to this and handed the woman her phone and quickly said "Here just text yourself i'm gonna go grab my food" Isabel uttered before walking to grab the bag full of salad's. She went to retrieve her phone and before leaving she said "I'll be sure to text you, buh bye." She waved and off she went.

Isabel had mixed feelings. "Why did I not say thank you when she complimented my name? i'm so dumb." She thought while walking back to her apartment. She looked down at her phone and the contact the woman  made.

Isabel looked back up. "So that's her name, Ruby. "

Isabel returned back and put the bag of food onto the dinner table. As she sat down to eat her salad she was quiet the whole time, thinking about her.

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