Pure Pleasure

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"We'll be docking on the next island. Be ready men!" The first mate's voice echoed throughout the deck.

Killer then made his way to Kid's workshop to inform the captain. He knocked a few times before opening the door. "We'll arrive in a few minutes." The redhead only grunted as a response.

Just on the deck was where you were located. Sitting on the railings. "You'll fall if you don't go down there (Y/N)." A blue haired male told you.

"I'll be fine Heat. It won't happen again." Hands behind your head and laid on the railings, the sun hitting your face as you take in the scent of the seas.

He walked closer to you, pinching our cheek. "Whatever you say."

As soon as Kid left his workshop, all eyes and attention went to him. The crew was stiff. The redhead had not been in the mood since yesterday, nobody knew why.

"What island is it?" He asked a recruit not that far from him.

Poor boy.

"U-Uhmm.. L.O.S.T sir.." Kid then walked to the front of the ship to take a look at the island.

L.O.S.T is a common island, home for brothels. It is a paradise for most pirates, including the Kid Pirates.

A defeated sigh left your lips, catching the attention of the masked blonde. "Is something wrong?"

"I was hoping to shop. Seems like plans are cancelled."

You dashed to the frowning redhead. "Captain!" Shouting at him.

A few others widened their eyes and even tried to stop you. You were basically asking for death by approaching the man.

Unfortunately, you were not allowed to be harmed, nor killed. You were able to read Poneglyphs, which was a great asset for the crew. The same as Nico Robin, you were a survivor from Ohara, but little were known from you.

"I volunteer to guard the ship."

"Do whatever you want woman." Kid sent a glare towards you before ordering the others to dock.


You wave to the crew as others wave back at you. "See you! Have fun I guess."

You were sure as hell sex was gonna happen to them. Definitely, you did not want to to picture them fucking someone. Washing the thoughts out of your head. You head to the crow's nest with a book in your hand.

Something ached though. You could not focus on what you were reading. Instead, all you could think about was your captain.

Eustass Kid.


An image flashed in your mind, Kid fucking some slutty woman senselessly.



You heard some rustling from the deck. It seemed like you fell asleep and completely forgot about guarding the ship. You quickly went down and grabbed a dagger from your belt.

"Who's there?"

No response.

Steps were heard. They were coming closer and closer. The fog and the dark sky did not help at all. As you were reaching for a flashlight, a hand gripped on yours.

"What the-"

A pair of lips crashed on yours. You didn't pull away, you were actually responding to the kiss.

You see vibrant red locks from the person in front of you. When you both pulled away, you could finally make out who the person was.

"Kid? What are you doing here?"

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