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(The song is called My Demons by Starset and I own nothing)
There was a little girl sitting a place filled with soft grass. The little girl had a dog tag necklace tucked in her dress, and although no one else could see them she knew what they said. It said 'Mexico' on the first one and on the one behind it said '(y/n) Ramos.' She got up from laying down with her stuffed rabbit named Carmel and left.
~Time Skip brought to you by me punching a pizza box (it was fun)~

Still My POV
The little had left 10 minutes ago and is walking around Mexico City looking for some place for shelter (or something)

Back to the mountains
A very handsome young man had just gotten to the place you were 10 minutes ago. He had felt a presence in his land he'd never felt before. This very handsome young man (with a nice ass) was Antonio Fernandez or 'Spain.' He thought it was his his imagination and went back home.

Back to you
"dios mío (oh my god), I don't know where to go," the little girl shouted. She sat down and started to tear up. A woman walked up to her and said,"Hello there cariño (sweetie) are you lost?" The little girl looked at the woman looked to be about 19 and said,"I don't have parents, so technically I'm not lost." She looked a quite shocked that the word 'technically' was in your vocabulary and a little...ok a lot sad that you had no parents. "How about this, I volunteer at an orphanage and you can stay there and we can find you a good home?" You thought about it (making the Japan thinking face) "Sí, gracias por su amabilidad!" (Yes, thank you for your kindness!) She smiled down at you,"su welcom! (Your welcome!) Whats your name? My name is Carmen." She had chocolate brown hair and eyes and her skin is tan. She's that one person who wears a dress and sneakers or flats, but never heels of sandals. She's wearing a white sun dress with sparked flats. She has a big brother his name is Antonio Fernandez, (sorry my sister begged me to put her here + I own her) she said they are from Madrid,Spain. "Are you hungry I can get you some menudo" (I've been craving it)

~Time Skip brought to you by my other story~

After eating she brought you to the orphanage. She showed you your and the other girls room and introduced you to all of the kids.

Listing to: My Demons by Starset

Reading: Soul Eater volume 1

(People on Deviant Art do this I'm doing this so you could get to know me)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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