Chapter 1. Gaining/Learning The System

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It should be noted that I am from the United States of America so I use the Imperial System, so if you use the Metric system then I am very sorry for any misuse of it. Also this here: Author: means I the author is typing. If this here is used: Thinking : that means that a character is thinking. This here "Talking." means that the person is talking. This here: System: is the system which provides The Gamer Ability. That is all and thank you for reading my fanfic! :)

(Izuku's POV)

On July 15th (Izuku's Birthday) Izuku wakes up to see a strange blue screen-like thing infront of his face, approximately a meter {3 Feet} away. Upon seeing this Izuku yells out in shock. Inko hears this yell and immediately comes rushing in. "Honey what's wrong!?"
"Mommy look right here, right here!" Izuku says pointing to the screen-like thing infront of him. Inko immediately looks at the wall and says. "Oh thank god! Honey you were just seeing things."
"No mommy the blue thing infront of me!"
"What blue thing? Izuku honey are you okay?"
Upon hearing this Izuku realizes something. His mom can't see it. Once Izuku realized this he asked his mom. "So you don't see this blue thing infront of me right?"
"Izuku I think we need to go to a hospital right away!"
"No mom wait, please listen!"
"Izuku your hallucinating!"
Izuku slaps his mom and yells "Wait!"

(Inko's POV)

Inko was shocked that Izuku just slapped her. She was about to say something, but then realized something. Izuku would never do anything like this without a really good reason. "'sigh' Okay Izuku what is it?"

(Izuku's POV)

After I slapped mom I thought. Oh My God I Just Slapped Mom! But there's no time to say sorry right now I have to figure out what's wrong. After I thought that I heard mom say "'sigh' Okay Izuku what is it?"
"Well you see mom I see this blue screen-like thing in front of me, it's always a meter (3 Feet) away from me no matter where I go, and it has words on it."
"Well then honey what do the words say?"
"Let's see they say. Hello Gamer! You have been granted the power of The Gamer. Please put your name in the box below using the keyboard!"
"I don't know honey I don't like this."
"Well I want to learn more sooo."
"'sigh' Fine."
"Thanks mom! Alright let's put in my name."
After I put my name in the box the words on the blue thing changed.
"Oh! The words changed!"
"Well what do the words say this time?"
"The words say. Welcome Izuku Midoriya to The System! The System is what give you your powers! Now then let's go over what you are seeing! What you see infront of you is the 'Information Alert!' The Information Alert!' alerts you of things around you, safe or dangerous.
Once you finish reading this 'Information Alert!', a red X will appear on the top-right corner of the Information Alert Tab, and you will then go back to seeing your regular vision.
Once you exit this try saying something like 'Power Tab!' or 'Inventory!'!
That is all! Good luck on your future adventures Gamer!"

After I finish reading the 'Information Alert!'
I look at the top-right corner to see that a red X appeared. Upon pressing it the 'Information Alert!' disappeared.

"That's it mom."
"Well the System said something about trying to say something like Skill Tab or something so try that."
"Okay then. 'Power Tab!'"
Upon saying those two words another 'Information Alert!' appeared.
"Whoa!" I yelled in surprise.
"W-What is it honey?!" My I'm yelled back scared for me.
"Another one of those Information Alert! things appeared."
"Well what does it say?"
"It says. Hello Gamer and welcome to the 'Power Tab'! Here you can see all of your 'Powers!' Now then, let's go through the 'Power Tab' Tutorial! On the top-left is the amount of 'Power Points!' (PP) you have!
'PP!' can be used to upgrade your 'Powers!'! You may also upgrade your 'Powers!' by doing certain things! Below the 'Power Points!' is your 'Powers!'! When you are done press the X on the top-right corner to exit the 'Power Tab'! "

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