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So.. i'm still recovering from Zayns departure and it still hurts like hell but I think my only way to recover from this is to continue writing about him. It not only reminds me of him in every way possible but it reminds me that Zayn is still out there. He may not be in the band, but at leats he's still here. Writing about Zayn makes me feel at ease and I find it the easisest to write about him in moments like this when i'm heavily unsteady. Anyways I just wanted to get that out there. This was a reuqested book but it was pretty free meaning I could choose most of what happened so I added some of my ideas that I grouped in my head time to time and I wrote about it so here you go! <3 And don't forget, stay strong! And don't worry, at the end of all these chapters it gets really fluffy so don't worry about the argu,ents and stuff in this book. I made up for it in the end!
And this might take a longer while to post the next chapter but I'll try to post it as soon as possible.

Zayns POV

I woke up this morning and I felt very tired still, though that was no surprise considering I was always so sleepy. We were currently on the last day of our break during the On The Road Again until we were back to doing concerts again and we had a very busy schedule ahead of us and there was no space for any interruptions. We knew that we had to be ready to have one of the busiest weeks of our life and we just wanted to have as much fun possible for five chilled out lads before we nearly pulled our hair out again from the stress.

"Zaynie! Get up!" Louis yelled then jumped on my bed. We were currently in a popular hotel near a beach and I was in my fluffy hotel room bed sleeping peacefully. That was, before I got heavily interrupted with Louis barging in my room and interrupting my privacy.

"Shut up. M' tired Lou." I said trying to push him off of me. I was honestly so tired and I was always so cranky when it was the morning so Louis knew better than to creep up on me and do this to me. My body also felt like it just didn't want to move at all so I thought i'd just need a bit more time for my body to recover from this sudden interruption.

"I'm gonna tickle you." he said giving me his serious face. His eyebrows were lifted up and he had his hands up on his hips like his usual Louis sassed up position while standing up in front of my bed. I was hoping he wasn't serious about tickling me but then all of a sudden he attacked me and I was so tired I was in no mood for this. I decided i'd just show Louis what morning Zayn was like so I pushed my hands to his direction to try and get him off me. However I think my super morning powers worked too hard because I heard a thump hit the floor right beside me.

Me thinking that I threw Louis off the bed, as tired as I was I quickly poked my head up from my beloved pillow and when I looked I saw nothing on the floor. Where could he have gone? I was looking around in front of my bed frantically thinking I maybe pushed Louis a bit too much and he got mad at me and stormed out but all of a sudden I heard a loud yell from behind me which scared the living shit out of me. I turned around and saw Louis standing there with a proud smile on his face trying not to burst out laughing.

"Fuck off!" I said trying to bury my head in my sheets more. I was so tired and all I was asking for was as little as three minutes to regain my body strength to collect myself but I couldn't even get that because Louis was so eager to get me up.

"C'mon Zaynie." he said. I still kept my head in my pillows closing my eyes and I just stayed like that for the next ten seconds.

"Fine. Three minutes. Or else we will physically pull you out of there sleepyhead." he said ruffling my head. Well, as if my hair wasn't messy enough already, not it just had to be messier. I decided not to cause any problems i'd just get up and out of bed to get ready. It was about three hours earlier than i'd wake up and it hurt to move my body with every single step I took towards my closet.

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