OE Chronicles

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Some of the following events have been dramatized. Certain names have

been changed to protect the individuals identity.

OE Chronicles


The sky was bright at Cinnhilif, and new pilots flooded the streets with excitement, holding their new Government Issued Pilots License, the piece of paper every kid dreamed of. I looked at mine and saw my name, Eva Dawson. Yeah, I know, its a girls name, but my buds just call me Eva Destruction cause I could kill almost any NPC that was thrown at me. There was a place for all pilots, it was just a matter of finding it yourself. Be a lone wolf, flood the market, follow the lead, or be the leader. My destination had already been set. I put a petition in for a small faction, a faction I felt the galaxy was missing: a Galactic Police Force. It was a long stretch, and despite criticism from friends and family, I was determined to follow my dreams.

“So your makin a police force huh?” said another newly licensed pilot.

“Yeah, I know, its impossible. Your not the only one to tell me.” I replied, more harshly than I intended.

“Actually, I was wondering if I could sign up. Every faction starts somewhere ya know.”

And at that, David Keyzz was my official first member. The faction started slow, but I managed to make a few recruits. David Keyzz was the most loyal, the others just signed up and faded away. Keyzz helped bring popularity to the faction, and through our efforts, we managed to make the 911 channel in which people would contact for emergency.

Together, we searched system to system and planet to planet, looking for loyal members that would benefit the faction. We came across the Dunagan family. Jeff Dunagan and Daniel Dunagan.

“Dont worry, me and my bro have had plenty of time in the simulator,” said Jeff Dunagan. “we know how to handle a ship.”

“Alright, then welcome aboard fellas.” I said with pride.

They helped a lot with recruitment, but business was still slow. Like others that have tried, a Galactic Police Force just didn't work. Most leaders gave up or they couldn't live up to their name. The 911 channel, however, helped boost peoples feelings that maybe we had a chance.

I got my System Defense Craft License a few months later, and it was then that I decided to search the galaxy for a station location, which would be hosted as our headquarters. The galaxy is vast, and terrorized by those that slipped into the dark corners of piracy. It was bound to happen at some point, and I was foolish to travel the deep expanses of space alone. My encounter with the infamous Marko Ramius was not one a person could forget. Nobody forgets the sight of a Battleship heading your way in attack formation, or the events that happen when it is in attack range.

I scrambled to the bay to quickly engage reserve power generators, and raised the energy shields. Marko had locked my Defense Craft, and plasma and lasers rained down upon my shields. My turrets and launchers pounded fiercely in return, but I was no match for this experienced hunter. I raced towards the system boundary, but his ship was riding on my tail the entire time and there was no hope of shaking him. He blocked my attempts to jump by putting his ship in my path, preventing me from reaching the boundary. I decided I had to improvise, so I left the bridge and went to the engine room where I found the massive engines. They were roaring with intensity as they put everything they had into escaping Marko. I went into the warp drives hardrive, and bypassed the security mainframe that prevented a ship from warping inside a system boundary, an action that would most certainly have caused a major fine.

I raced back into the bridge, and looked out the view window to find that my shields had fallen, and Marko's artillery was eating away at my ships hull. I quickly flipped the warp lever and jumped to the first system I saw: Svaline.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2011 ⏰

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