28 | Andi

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The jet was massive, from the walk-in closet in the master suite to the glass steam shower in the bathroom. There was so much space this could fit my whole house in here. Joie was back from Tennessee and wanted to show me some kind of surprise. Imagine my surprise when I showed up with Arya with me and it was a huge ass private jet in isn't personal terminal.

"Joie," I was still amazed as I carried Arya on my hip and met up with Joie in the front lounge. "This.. jet. This can fit my doggone house!"

"Tell me about it," Joie shook her head. "I don't know why he purchased this big ass thing. Joel has shit, I have shit, even Gunner and Misty got shit."

"It's nice. Don't get me wrong. But do you trust it?" I asked as she reached for Arya and I handed her over, "This is a jet.. from Kut. The Kut. You don't think he's tryna leer you back in?"

"He can't leer me in if I don't allow him, too." She said, "But he claims that it's a gift and he's not taking it back. What in the world am I going to do with a jet? I barely leave Texas."

"Hell, I guess.." I paused as I took another look around, "Keep it parked until you do?"

Joie chuckled with me. "Best advice you got, huh?" she asked.

"The best," I said. "You talk to Aqua? She–" I stopped when Joie shook her head. I followed her off the jet and into her car. "Think he knows?"

"I'm not sure. But I know Kut and talking about that kind of situation on a jet he bought wouldn't be smart."

"Got it," I gave a thumbs up. "You talked to her, see why she's doing that dumb mess?"


My eyebrows arched. "Tanika? Please tell me she didn't encourage her daughter to do that."

"The complete opposite. Aqua that Tanika was in FBI custody because that's what the agent told her. Said he approached her a little bit after Tanika disappeared again."

"How sure are you that Tanika's not in their custody tho?"

"A hundred percent."

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