Part 1

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| IMAGINE for @Tobihatake |

You wake up with a pounding head ache. You lift a hand to your head and close your eyes, the sunlight searing your eyes. "Ugh, I better not be getting sick." You moan. You swing your legs over the bed and stand, slowly letting your eyes adjust to the light. You yawn and then sneeze. "No, please. I can't afford to be sick." You say, shuffling to your closet. You pull out your work clothes and head to the bathroom. You look in the mirror and frown. You pale complexion stares back at you. You note the dark circles under your eyes and wince. You stiffen and pull your shoulders back. "No, no. I am not getting sick." You state firmly. You glare at the mirror and then sneeze. You sniff and slump, letting out a moan. ~
You walk on to the set of Poldark, feeling like you were hit by a bus. "Whoa, Y/N, you don't look so well." Aidan, your boyfriend, says, staring at you as he sits in a chair. You collapse on a chair next to him. You put your head in your hands. "I think I'm sick." You say. You lift your head. "Maybe you should take the day off." He advises. "I can't. I'm an executive producer. It's impossible." You sigh. "They need me." You say. "Um, actually I think they're going to cancel filming for today." Aidan states. You stare at him, your eyebrows drawing. "Why?" You ask. "We're going to get severe storms today." He says. You raise your eyebrows and then sneeze. "Ugh." You grumble. "Hey, Y/N, can I see you for a second?" Eliza Mellor, the producer, asks. "Sure." You say, pushing yourself up off the chair. A wave of dizziness takes over you and you squeeze your eyes shut, gripping the chair's arm for support. "Are you okay?" Aidan asks worriedly, standing. "I-I'm fine." You breathe, opening your eyes. "Fine." You repeat. You stumble forward a few feet and see your vision swirl before you. "Ai-Aidan...." You breathe, fainting. "Y/N!" Aidan yells, running to you.
A few minutes later you regain consciousness. Aidan stares down worriedly at you. "Oh, good, you're up." He breathes in relief. "What happened?" You whisper. "You fainted." He answers. You grimace. "Really?" You ask. "Yeah. You scared everyone." He says. You look around at the producer and all of the executive producers. "I'm sorry." You moan. "No, no, don't be, Y/N. You're clearly sick and you have a fever. Go home. Filming is cancelled for today." Eliza says. You nod. "I'm taking you home, okay?" Aidan says. You nod again. "Okay, that's fine." You say. He picks you up into his arms and carries you to your car. ~
Aidan carries you inside of your home and walks to your room. "Get dressed into your pajamas. I'm going to make you some tea." He says, laying you on the bed. He goes to your closet and searches for your pajamas. "Top shelf. The sea green ones." You chuckle tiredly. He looks at you and grins. "Thanks." He laughs, grabbing them off the shelf. He lays them on your bed. "I'll be right back." He says, walking out of the room. You quickly change out of your work clothes and put on your pajamas. You climb beneath the covers as Aidan enters the room with a cup of tea in his hands. He puts it on your nightstand and props your pillows up. You rest on them and Aidan hands you the cup. You drink it, the hot liquid flowing down your throat. "Thanks for doing this." You smile. "Anything for you." He says, smiling. "Do you have a box of tissues?" He asks. "In the bathroom, in the cabinet under the sink." You answer. He hurries out of the room and comes back with a box of tissues. You drain the cup and put it on the nightstand. "Now, you need to rest and sleep." Aidan says. "Scoot down." He says. You obey and he adjusts the pillows. He pulls the covers up to your chin and tucks you in. You can't help but giggle. "What are you laughing about?" He asks, grinning. "You're just so cute. I love you so much." You say. He leans down and kisses your forehead. "I love you too. Now get some sleep. I'm going to get a humidifier in here and make some soup for you." He says. "Thank you." You breathe, your eyes closing.~
You wake up in an hour, sweating. You throw your blankets off, breathing heavily. "Aidan, come here!" You exclaim, wiping the sweat from your forehead. He runs in. "What's wrong?" He asks, concerned. "I think I'm burning up with a fever." You reply. He puts his hand to your forehead and quickly pulls his hand away, his eyes widening. "Just lay back in bed. I'm going to get you some medicine and get you a cold wash cloth." Aidan says. You crawl back in bed as Aidan rushes out of the room. He comes back a minute later, a medicine bottle in his hand and a wash cloth. He gives you some of the medicine and then brings the wash cloth to your burning forehead. You close your eyes, relief flooding your body. The cold water soothes your head. "Oh, thank you so much." You say. "Do you want me to get you some ice to suck on?" He asks. "Yes, yes, please." You whisper. Aidan leaves the cloth on your forehead and leaves the room. He comes back a few minutes later, a cup filled with ice in his hands. You open your eyes and reach for the cup. He hands it to you and you grab a piece of ice. You pop it in your mouth and sigh. "Is that better?" He asks. "So much better." You say, nodding.~
You wake up the next morning, feeling better. Aidan is asleep on the chair in your room. You smile at him and sniff. You grab a tissue and blow your nose. Aidan quickly wakens and looks around. "Oh, you awake." He breathes, getting off of the couch. He rubs his eyes tiredly. He walks over to you and puts a hand on your forehead. "No fever." He says, smiling. "Thanks to you." You say. Aidan sits on the edge of your bed. "How do you feel?" He asks. "Pretty good considering..." You say, sitting up. "I want you go home..." You state. His eyes widen and he puts a hand to his chest, dramatically. "After all I've done?" He asks, humor in his eyes. You smile and roll your eyes. "Aidan, you've been up all night helping me. You're exhausted. We can't have you getting sick." You say. He scoots closer to you and takes your hand in his. "I enjoyed helping you. It stinks under the circumstances; but we're spending time together. I don't really care if I get sick." He states. He leans forward and you lean backwards. "You're going to kiss me after I've had a fever?" You ask, raising your eyes. He stares at you and smiles. "I don't mind." He says. Your eyebrows drop into their normal position and a tiny smile appears on your lips. "Can I finish what I was starting?" He asks. "If you want..." You trail off, grinning. He smiles and puts a hand of the back of your neck. He leans in and kisses you deeply.
A long moment later he pulls away. "See? I'm not si-" He starts, before getting cut off by a sneeze. Your eyes widen. "Aid-" You start worriedly. "Gotcha!" He laughs. You whack his arm and he pulls you into his arms, laughing.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2015 ⏰

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