Part 1

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THIS IS MY STORY. ALL NAMES HAVE BEEN CHANGED FOR PROTECTION AMD PRIVACY, AND LOCATIONS HAVE BEEN MODIFIED. Please, don't send hateful comments about my writing skills, actions or thoughts. I am telling this story like it is, so please don't punish me with harmful words for opening up. I know that this is not my best writing, but it is also nonfiction. I hopefully will be posting one of my unfinished books soon to see what you all think. If you are a beginning author who wants some input, follow me so I can check out some of your work. Remember, I'm only 12, so be nice please! If I have errors then sorry, but it's hard typing on a phone!

"No matter how many people try to criticize you, the best revenge is to prove them wrong." -Zayn Malik

"People have no idea how long something they say can stay in one's mind." -Unknown

"Your value doesn't decrease based on somebody's inability to see your worth." -Unknown

"Before you judge me, make sure your perfect." -Unknown

"Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." -Harvey Fierstein

The first day of school was just like any other. Friends laughing, running towards each other. I was right in the thick of it, happy to see my besties again. To think that was not that long ago; it seems like an eternity.

For the first few months of 6th grade, everything was fine. It was just another year, the last of elementary school. But then,everything fell apart. My best friend, Zoe, started to hang with the cool kids, so I was left trying to scramble for new friends. It hurt. Badly. We had been best friends since kindergarten, and the only 2 times we fought we made up after a week, each of us thinking that the other was mad at us. I had dedicated all my efforts to her, because although I knew that as adults we would likely grow apart, I at least thought that we'd get through middle school together. I was so wrong.

Anyway, I started hanging out with new friends, Monica and Lisa. They were really nice, and I found myself getting over Zoe. I was happy.

That only lasted a few weeks. Soon, Monica started drifting apart from Lisa and I, hanging with Zoe and the other popular girls. But, like a worm, even after part of us had been cut of, we slowly started to heal and regrow.

But, Lisa and I missed our friends. We started trying to hang with them again, to rejoin the group. But soon we realized they were avoiding is. More specifically, they were avoiding me.

Being the nerds that we were, we tested this theory. Multiple times, Lisa would walk up to them and join the conversation. About a minute and a half later, I would walk up, and they would slowly start drifting away. It stung. At first, Lisa was nice about it, but I could tell that she resented me for keeping her from the group. I'm not exactly sure when, but soon Lisa started drifting off too, meeting the others after schools, during recess, an on the weekends. it's not like I didn't want to 'share' her, it's just that I had already had had enough friends leave me that I was feeling betrayed.

Soon, I was entirely detached from all of my (ex?) friends. I was alone. Stupidly, I tried to hang with them. They ran away from me. Literally. At first, they would just slowly walk away and exclude me from the conversation, but then it escalated to the point were once they caught sight of me they would sprint away. When we left our classroom for recesses (remember those ;) ) thy would fan out, leaving me to decide which one to follow. I can't say how much I regret this. They obviously didn't want me there, but I didn't listen. If I could redo anything about that year, it would be to just have found new friends. But, that wasn't as easy as it seemed. By that year, everyone already had their 'groups', their cliches. The sporty group, the nerds, the weirdos, and the gymnasts. I was like a river, I could flow into any group, but not the only one that I wanted; the friends that I had dedicated myself to.

I will hopefully update tomorrow it just that it's really late tonight. I know that I didn't write very much and this might be boring but please just hang on.

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