Her Chaotic Life

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    Neo woke up to her annoying ass nephew jumping on her as he was in a rush getting ready for the academy. Neo was 6 years older than him. Her at 18 and Naruto at 12. His mother was Neo's older sister, but sadly she passed away along with Naruto's dad the night that Naruto was born. They were the last members of the Uzumaki clan in the Village Hidden in the Leaves.
    They got along pretty well, they were all each other had. The Third Hokage was supposed to be taking care of them but he just stuck them in a one bedroom apartment and gave them monthly living expenses. I mean, I guess it helped, but it didn't stop people from treating Naruto like a monster. Neo has gotten in a lot of trouble defending him from the assholes in the Leaf, so many fights. She was a relatively advanced ninja. She was a Jonin at the age of 10, one of the youngest in history. So she didn't ever worry about losing, but she would put a lot of people in the hospital. It made the people in the village wary of both her and Naruto. But she had to let Naruto know that he was never alone.
      She got up and got ready for the day, she had a mission and she had to be to the Hokage's right after she dropped Naruto off at the academy. As they were walking up she saw Sasuke Uchiha. Her heart hurt a little. His older brother Itachi and her were really close, before he slaughtered his whole clan and left her in the forest to die. Ever since then she's made herself annoyingly known in Sasuke's life.
    He acts like he couldn't care less about her but he knew that she was secretly in love with Itachi and vise versus, but he's actually grown quite the soft spot for her considering he used to hang out with her and Itachi when he was little. She was always so nice to him, even when Itachi wasn't. Neo ran up and gave him a smothering hug and a kiss on the cheek. Naruto and Sasuke shot each other hateful glares, huffed and then looked away from each other. "Come on you guys! Play nice, even if it's just for me.  I have to go report for my mission. Seriously you guys stop fighting."She gave Naruto a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek and then ruffed up Sasukes hair and kissed him on the cheek.
    As she was walking to the Hokage's office she couldn't help but think of Itachi. She was going to kill him for what he did to his little brother and to her. She loved him so much and he ripped her heart out that night. He slaughtered his clan and then went to their secret hiding spot where he knew she would be training. He walked up to her put her in a genjutsu and then stabbed her in the gut and twisted. She couldn't feel anything and she just looked up at him with the look of betrayal. "I really did love you, I wanted to grow up with you and have a family,  I'm sorry I have to do this." Itachi said between sobs. Neo was in shock with what was happening. She reached up and touched his cheek and then felt her body to limp.
    If he really wanted to kill her he would have taken the knife out and let her bleed out, but he left the knife inside of her and left her laying there on the ground of the forest. Kakashi Hatake was the one who found her almost lifeless body, if he was any later she probably would have died. Itachi and Neo were secretly dating, they didn't want his dad to think he wasn't training enough, so they told everyone they were training partners. Which also wasn't a lie, but they were much more than that.
       They were in the academy together and they both graduated early. When they were in the academy they were inseparable. They would hold hands and train together and they were both at the top of their class. When Neo and Itachi graduated they immediately got nominated for the Chunin exams, they passed each test with flying colors and by the end of it, Itachi was a chunin and Neo was a Jonin. Neo was a little more advanced than Itachi when they were younger, but that quickly changed as they got older.
    Itachi used his sharingan on Neo so she could know how to fight against it, and she actually got pretty good. She had a kekkei genkai, she used water and wind chakra natures and combined them to used ice. She doesn't know how she's able to use it considering no one in her clan was able to use it, but asking questions always uncovered things she didn't want to know, so she just ignored it. As she had a Kekkei Genkai it made Itachis sharingan a lot sharper with all the training that they did together. They were each others natural enemies at this point.  And now they were actually enemies, she wouldn't hold back when she saw him. He was going to die by her hand if she could help it.
     She got to the Hokage's office and Hiruzen was just looking at her with disappointment. "I'm gonna stop giving you missions if you continue to be late to every briefing." He said in a serious tone. "Yeah yeah, I was just dropping Naruto off and got caught up talking to Sasuke." She explained and she noticed him flinch at Sasukes name. She just ignored it and asked him to continue. "You're on a mission with Kakashi today. Orochimaru seems to have gotten himself mixed up with a band of rouge ninjas and you need to retrieve him or as much information on him as possible. You are to leave as soon as possible." He ordered. "Yes sir" she said. "I'll go wait for him by the main entrance. Please inform him." She yelled behind her as she was running out of his office. She decided to take her sweet as time considering she knew Kakashi all too well, there is no way that fucker will be there anytime soon.
      As she was walking through the village she heard someone cat call her, she whipped around so fast ready to fight until she realized who it was cat calling her, then her face turned beet red. Genma Shiranui was walking up to her with his senbon just resting in between his teeth. "Hey beautiful, can I get your number?" Genma said in a total teasing manner. Neo was so embarrassed and was giggling so hard, she slapped him on the chest, took his senbon out of his mouth and landed a kiss right on his mouth. Genma moved his hands down her body to her butt and lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around him. She pulled away and put his senbon in her mouth, "Are you gonna be a gentleman and escort a lady to the entrance of the village?" She joked. "Well of course, can let a pretty defenseless lady such as yourself walk alone in broad daylight." He said while winking at her. "Such chivalry" she blushed.
    He carried her for awhile and then put her down and held her hand as they walked next to each other. As they walked up to the main entrance she noticed Kakashi still wasn't there. She looked at Genma mischievously, looked around and then jumped on him and started making out with him. All of a sudden a kunai came shooting out of the forest straight at Neo's forehead. Before they realized what happened Kakashi jumped in front of them and blocked it.
    "Why don't you guys get a damn room." Kakashi said. "Why don't you suck one easy" Neo said while rolling her eyes. She hated that he was always saving her. "Is that anyway to talk to someone who just saved your life?" He said teasing her with a stupid smile on his face. "If you think I was about to die just then you got another thing coming." She snapped. Kakashi held up his hands in surrender. Genma pulled her in for a goodbye kiss and said goodbye to Kakashi. After that they started to head out and started in the direction that the kunai came from.

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