C H A P T E R - 5

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        The four walls of the dark room
Witnessed the man seething in anger,
His amber eyes held rage, he was shirtless, that made his toned chest and six packs to reveal, sweat dripping from his body.

As the man spared  repeated punches
On the punching bag, his knuckles turned red and that the least he cared right now, the time moved and he kept punching with his bare hands.
His ears tugged in the Airpods.

“ Sir we tried tracing him, make sure ma'am is safe sir" the familiar voice spoke from the other end, whilst zahab stifled a harsh breath.

“ Find him at any cost I don't fucking care where he is" yelled zahab, the uneasy feeling increasing in the pit of his stomach, making his eyes turn red and his mind Whispered many unknown thoughts.

He threw the Airpods, that it broke into pieces.

He rubbed his face, pulling his hair, before he ran towards the familiar door, into the washroom, the cold water Streamed down his body, as he stroked his hair to calm himself down, but he knew his peace wasn't there with him. He needed her and only her.

As if God Listened to his prayer that his heart whispered, the soft voice resounded in the room, as the room was pin drop silent, zahab heard the familiar voice that he know very well, the voice called out his name.

He opened the door, peeking out as he was only in his trousers, his hair dripping with water, as he stared his love who was glancing everywhere to find him, her hair open, as a frown attached towards her forehead.

He walked towards the washroom, unaware of the head peeking out and staring at her, before she could get what was going on, he pulled her in shutting the door of the washroom behind.

“ zahab" yelled Adeena, her eyes widened as her palms made in contact with his toned chest, water dripping from it, the blush crept her cheeks but she still managed to give a sharp glare his way.

“ Ji Jaan _e_ zahab" he whispered huskily, his breathing hitting her face, as he nuzzled her neck, pulling her closer to him and stifled a breath of relief, she can only calm the beast in him.

( Life of zahab)

“ Adeena stop doing that, I'll lose it" he said with seriousness that made Adeena to glance down, she knew he was damn Serious as he called her name, his fingers touched her lips, and freed it from her teeth, knowing very well he may lose it if she continued to bite her lips.

Her hair now sticked to her face, as the cold water poured upon both of them, his forehead touching hers, his hands on her shoulder, whilst he kissed her forehead, closing his eyes and drinking in her, having his peace in his arms.

He will go mad in seconds if he didn't see her, the zahab Abdullah Shah can undone his beast if anything happens to his love. So people better not face his wrath that's what his friend or her family States, Because each one saw his madness towards her and only her.

He bite her fluffy cheeks making her go red as she pressed her hands more in his chest, whilst he kissed her cheeks then her forehead.

“ I'll bite you down if you skip your lunch next time jaan, you know way too well I can't stand if anything happens to you, this zahab is nothing without you" the man whispered, love and concern dripping from his voice as he bite her cheeks again. Making her to hit his chest.

She was only his no matter what.
Like he says  jaan-e-zahab.






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