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   My name is Akito Aukira. (sounds like Akida)I have long black hair that reaches my kneecaps, and crystal blue eyes. I carry a sword with me that rests in a sheath attached to my waist, This is a depiction of what I look like; (sorry about the short hair, pretend it goes down to her knees 'picture does not belong to me!')

 I carry a sword with me that rests in a sheath attached to my waist, This is a depiction of what I look like; (sorry about the short hair, pretend it goes down to her knees 'picture does not belong to me!')

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   I also have big white wings that allow me to fly, but I hide them and keep them to myself. I'm not sure how I have them though, it's always been a curious question of mine. I have another quirk that compliments my wings, it allows me to read people's minds and I'm super fast. I also have a sharp sense of hearing, sight, and smell. whenever I use my quirks, if I need to do something that involves speed, then it seems that time goes significantly slower for some reason?...


  I go to a school called shinyō hyo academy. Or at least I used to. Today, instead of going to my normal school, I'm going to be going too a big time school for hero's in training. It's called; UA. I tried to play it off like I have had a normal average persons quirk, but I was recommended by the principal at UA. Apparently they were looking to other not so popular schools to see if any of the kids there had potential, that's what I was told anyhow. I'm the smartest and strongest in my school, but I've only shown how smart I am, I haven't put my quirk in any paperwork or told anyone. Maybe their just choosing me because I'm smart.

   I never expected to be a hero in training, I was just going to try to be a normal person. And if I'm being honest, I don't really care about hero's. I don't really have a choice though, my application had been put in from the moment I was recommended. They never even let me have a say in it? They ran it by my aunt and once she said yes for me, they went on and applied me.

   And aunt Mira didn't even ask me first! I told her I wasn't going to do it because then I would have to get involved in the public, and politics. But she told me I was making an excuse to get out of doing something that seemed like to much work. I really hate it when she assumes that I don't want to do something because I'm lazy! I would say a lot of things about you to if I could get away with it.

   But I was curious how this would go, after all, I've never really been interested in hero's. Maybe this will change my mind? I doubt it, but if it would give me something to do other than sit in a boring old room all day, I'll give it a chance.

   I'm actually on my way to UA's principal's office currently. There are long hallways that lead in all directions, and the building is huge! The doors for the classrooms look like they were meant for giants! It was all so fascinating to me, I couldn't really put it to words! It was impressive, the size, structure, balance, and detail in the building just amazes me!

   I reach the door the principal's office, I go to grab the door handle but then I stop and pull my hand back.I begin to get a little nervous, then I turn around and go to walk away before I stop again and take a peek at the door.

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