Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I was running thought a dark forest. I didn't know what but something was chasing me. When I lost my balance and fell to the ground. Suddenly a dark figure appeared and started walking forward me. I wanted to stand up and run but thick roots held me to the ground. I didn't even know then they got there. ' Turayaaa' Whispered the wind. The figure came closer and closer. My heart was pounding. I felt very helpless and alone. ' Turaya..' This time the whisper came from the dark figure. It sounded more like rustling of leave thought. I opened my mouth to scream when I felt like something was shaking me and..

' Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!' I felt my body stop being shaken as I opened my eyes. It front of me stood Rachel with a scowl on her face. ' Stop screaming it's only me!' I stepped screaming but when the tears came. I couldn't stop them they just started to pour from my eyes. I had these nightmares since I was little but somehow I was always upset when I woke up. My parents tried everything medicine, psychologists, they even tried a make-over to brighten up my room. But nothing ever worked. Even time haven't helped and I had them for 6 years. I just got used to them. If a person can ever get used to fear. ' It's ok honey.' Rachel said when she saw how upset I was. She sat down next to my shaking form and wrapped her arms around me. I sat there sobbing in her arms and when I finally calmed down I said ' Thank you.' She smiled kindly at me. ' Bad one, huh?' No shit Sherlock. ' Yeah I guess...' She give me a look and stood up. ' Well you better get ready, your outfit is on the chair and hygiene stuff is in the bathroom. Be down in 45 minutes.' At that she stated walking forward the door. I grabbed a pillow and tried to throw it at her but the pillow hit the closed door instead. Stupid vampire speed. ' What the point of having so many pillows if you can't even hit people with them?' I mumbled to myself as I got out of the bed. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep and forget that this ever happened. On the chair lay an outfit of black leggings and a long, tight red top with crazy purple pattern on it along with a white jacket. Underneath the chair lay a pair of white fuzzy boots with a low chunky hill. ' Finally something wearable.' I muttered to myself. I was ready in 40 minutes as I lay on the giant bed waiting for someone to pick me up. I knew that it I try to find the way myself I probably get lost. Finally when the door opened I saw Micheal standing there looking at me. ' Ready to go?' He asked in a cheerful voice. Good question, but I was afraid that I didn't know the answer to that.

Michael led me outside to a shiny black sports car. He used vampire speed to get inside it and when pointed at a seat in the front. I got in and buckled my seat belts in silence. I had no idea where we were going or if I see this place again. Just like normal Michael answered these questions for me. ' We going to France, Paris to stay there for a while and probably not in next 50 years or so.' So it was true, I would never see my family again. Michael singed and said ' We are your family now, there nothing else to do but accept it.' I didn't want to anger him so instead I decided to change the subject. ' How are we getting to France?' ' Using an air plane of course.' I give Micheal an odd look. How the hell was he going to do that without me having a passport or anything? Like always Micheal answered me from reading my mind. ' Well I do have a friend who works at an airport so this shouldn't be too much of a problem.' Vampires really knew how to sort out every freaking obstacle they had in front of them. I really wished for someone to wake me up now. My life turned into one insane vampire novel. Because for a fact vampires shouldn't exist in first place. ' Turaya it's nature. We exist, so do werewolves and other supernatural. It's just because you don't see us or belief in us doesn't mean we don't exist. ' Why did you kill the Muslim couple?' Yes, I knew I was pushing it but I didn't care. ' Because he tried to brake a promise and I do not tolerate liars and deal breakers.' He said it in normal voice but there was a chill to these words. ' Besides I was thirsty.' Yeah, definitely a vampire. I looked out the windows and felt sleep start to over come me. I knew it was Michael but I didn't try to fight it. I let the darkness consume me.

When I woke up I saw I was still in the car with Micheal. I had a feeling that we were nearly at the airport. ' Welcome back Turaya.' Micheal said happily. If you think vampires were gloom, dark and nasty you probably should think again. Of what I saw so far there were nothing but angelic looking creatures with demanding attitude and longing for new things to excite them. ' Yeah.' I said still waking up. ' You going to love Paris. The place is simply beautiful. Rachel is going to take you shopping tomorrow night so we can get you some clothes. You two are going to have some fun.' I dreaded these words. Rachel was going to murder me with her hyperness. Micheal laughed. ' Yes I might imagine that might be the case.' And when I saw it. The airport. Memories came flying by of the times I been here before. It was mostly to pick up my gran on the times she came to visit. Thinking of my gran made me cringe. She was going to make such a racked when he found out that I gone missing. I was always her favourite since I was her first grandchild. ' We going to meet the other on the plane so stick with me for now. And I warn you not to try anything stupid because it's not going to end well for anyone.' Like before. I did as I was told.

Note: I really need someone to start voting or commenting cos I started to think there no point in this story. So I would be really happy if some of you guys would tell me what you think. Thanks for reading xxx

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