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1. Name :y/n l/n

2.Age :12  year's old  ( your the youngest of the group)

3.Date of Birth :( your choice )

4.fathers name : clude l/n

5.mothers name : lily l/n

Language:  Eng

6.powers : ice , mind control, Flying , create any type of sword ,
Healing, magic

7. Occupation: School student

 Occupation: School student

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1.Name :Lily l/n

2. Age : 33 years old

3. Husband's Name : Clude l/n

4. Child's Name : y/n l/n

5.Language : Eng

6.occupation :  A famous Model.

7. Powers : None

 Powers : None

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1.Name : Clude l/n

2.Age : 35 years old

3. Wife's Name : Lily l/n

4.child's Name : Y/n l/n

5. Language: Eng

6. Occupation:  Businesses man

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