Chapter IX: Harry and Ashleys 'Date'/ Emily reveals something

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Location: The Bleachers

(Harry and Ashley are stood under the bleachers)

Ashley: Is everybody at home as handsome as you?

Harry: I like to think I'm the fairest of them all. How many rooms in your castle?

Ashley: Oh! Too many to count. You really nailed that chemistry problem today. You're gonna have all the nerds in love with you.

Harry: I'm not that smart.

Ashley: Oh, come on.

Harry: No, really, I'm not. But I'm... I'm really good at sewing and cooking and cleaning. You know, like your mother, Cinderella.

(Harry pulls the his mirror out of his pocket and shows it to Ashley)

Harry: See this? If I ask it where something is, it tells me.

Ashley: Are you kidding me?

Harry: No...

(Ashley puts the mirror to her ear, as if she's talking on the phone)

Ashley: Where's my cell phone?

Harry: It won't work for you, silly.

Ashley: No biggie. My dad will just get me a new one.

Harry: Prince charming.

Ashley: Yeah.

Harry: And cinderella.

Ashley: Yeah.

Harry: Fairy godmother. Hey, I heard her wand is in some boring museum. Do they always leave it there?

(Ashley turns away from Harry, he looks confused)

Ashley: I'd really like to talk, but... I'm just swamped. Unless...

Harry: Unless?

Ashley: If you could knock all my homework out along with yours, then maybe we could get together sometime... Hang.

Harry: Okay.

Ashley: Thanks, babe.

Harry: Yeah. Bye.

(Ashley leaves Harry and Emily walks towards him from where she was sat at the bleachers)

Emily: I couldn't help but overhear...

Harry: Are you stalking me?

Emily: Technically... yes. I, too, have a fascination with fairy godmother's wand. Which is another reason I look forward to the coronation. Perhaps we could sit next to each other and discuss its attributes.

Harry: Are you saying they use it in the coronation?

Emily: Yes. And asking you out.....?

(Harry just giggles quietly and walks away, leaving Emily)


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